ventuhr wrote:In case someone doesn't know about it yet, GHFear accepts searching AES deryption keys as commissions now.
Sorry that I have been gone from here for a while.
And yes I have a commisions link in my bio if anyone wants keys from now on until my life is a little more stable.
As you can see from these pages, I have been posting millions of keys for like 25 pages and there is A LOT of people posting and DMing that they want keys and it was taking up a lot of my time, and since I am building a small house over the summer and fall, I don't have that much time to spend on this unless it can help me expand the size of my solar panel setup

I am building a little house off-grid with my brother, near some good hunting grounds and a lake.
At the moment I am running a 70W solar panel + 80Ah battery and is just not enough to sustain my computer usage needs over the winter + fridge + lights x)
Looking to get a 200W Panel + 200Ah Battery

I hope people can understand and respect this decision.