It works in umodel with -game=ue4.16

aluigi wrote:Code: Select all
Code: Select all
Info: algorithm ?
offset 11111111
input size 0x22222222 0
output size 0x33333333 0
Code: Select all
log "sample.dat" 0x11111111 0x22222222
aluigi wrote:@marn and everybody else
When you run the script (if you prefer with the -0 option to avoid extracting other files), press RETURN when it asks about the key.
It will show an error like the followingNow create a new text file (a bms script) containing the following line:Code: Select all
Info: algorithm ?
offset 11111111
input size 0x22222222 0
output size 0x33333333 0where the 3 hexadecimal number must be replaced with those of your error just like I did with that example.Code: Select all
log "sample.dat" 0x11111111 0x22222222
Then upload sample.dat, copy&paste the input/output size and upload the big game executable (that you already did).
*edit* fixed an error in the post
AES key is no longer in plain text in the game executable. I extracted all viable AES Key Strings from it. So they probably encoded the key or switched to a binary key.
Those are the new Strings from the 2.4.0 executable:
Old Strings (which contained the key):
Post by haubna..
aluigi wrote:If the algorithm is 1 (zlib, which wasn't visible in the copy&paste) then it's not a static key.
aluigi wrote:It's written by quickbms as visible in the example I provided, the "?" placeholder at right of "algorithm"
Code: Select all
the compressed zlib/deflate input is wrong or incomplete (-3)
bizzfarts wrote:PUBG current test server build uses encryption, key: 45DD15D6DD2DA50AEB71CE7A5284CF8EA498B2EC3D52B7E336F3EA0071CE44B3