Hello hhrhhr,
thank you so much for this! But I have a question.
Actually the german voice files are suffering from a "tinny effect" - like if everyone is wearing an armor (Here is an example:
CD Projekt already got contaced by a lot of players. They stated that it is a recording fault and they can't do anything about it since the game is finished and it would be too costly (reasonable), detailed original answer here:
https://www.reddit.com/r/witcher/commen ... do/d5u6oapWhat I want to do is to extract all voice files and batch process the affected ones with an "anti-effect" in Adobe Audition. I already did that and it seems to work good.
Now what I have to do is to convert all .ogg files back to ww waves. Is there a ogg 2 ww-wave converter?
But the main point where I'm stuck is to pack all .wav and .cr2w files back together to an .w3speech file. May I please ask you to think about implementing a packing function for your tool/lua scripts? This would be truly awesome and you would help a lot of people in the end

I am pleased to hear from you.
Thank you!