Um guys from where could I get sx.exe (sound exchange)?and if you have it can you send it to me?
Thanks a lot.

V12-POWER wrote:My test is simple, I swapped the gin acceleration file with a locomotive idling sound.
id-daemon wrote:i recommend swapping it with human speech, it will allow you to know exactly what happens with the sound
thats what i did when researching GIN files
V12-POWER wrote:Here it is, an example of what happens with the sound files.
id-daemon wrote:V12-POWER wrote:Here it is, an example of what happens with the sound files.
I dont understand whats wrong here. Why do you think it must be different?
It seems this sound is supposed to be like this.
id-daemon wrote:Ok then, if i understand correctly, this game analyzes the sample pitch, and shifting it like its supposed to be in game.
It must be set with some parameters, just like you said. It can't be set in EXE.
id-daemon wrote:I don't know how it may not be important, it depends on file size and it contains the sample numbers from the audio. This example for Ferrari having 149237 samples
first array is always 51 numbers
size of the second depends on file size and forms a curve
V12-POWER wrote:May I know where or how did you generate the graphs?
id-daemon wrote:V12-POWER wrote:May I know where or how did you generate the graphs?
i dont remember
these are excel graphs, it means i got their data from some files