MK 11 unpack, repack
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Re: MK 11 unpack, repack
Shokoniraya, it's ok, thanks for confirming :>
- Posts: 12
- Joined: Thu Apr 30, 2015 10:50 am
Re: MK 11 unpack, repack
Shokoniraya wrote:Luriam, sorry. i was busy and could not answer you
sounds does not have any name and i just named same as .xxx_decompressed name
joonx86, all strings are UTF-32!![]()
i don't know why! but if quickbms had UTF-32 support, then i could do something
All sound effects are inside "CHAR" files (example: "CHAR_SCO_ScriptAssets"). So if follow Luriam's method, you will be able to find .fsb file inside of it, but it seems to be corrupted or something.
Here is the file if you want to look at it yourself: ... s.rar/file
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Re: MK 11 unpack, repack
This is very good. The only thing that doesn't seem to work are the _MEDIA files, for the Announcers. Bummer, I wanted to year Johnny Cage say "FATALITY!"
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Re: MK 11 unpack, repack
Actually I got those too :> If you check my post again you will see that I mentioned .PSF files. Here's an example of some files I was clicking on because I'm too lazy to upload them one by one
These particular lines can be found in INIT_ScriptAssets.psf
These particular lines can be found in INIT_ScriptAssets.psf
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Re: MK 11 unpack, repack
Wow, really? INIT_ScriptAssets? Who would think to look at them inside there. Thanks for that! I guess that video for the Johnny Cage announcer could use an update then 

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Re: MK 11 unpack, repack
Luriam wrote:Actually I got those too :> If you check my post again you will see that I mentioned .PSF files. Here's an example of some files I was clicking on because I'm too lazy to upload them one by one
These particular lines can be found in INIT_ScriptAssets.psf
Were you able to extract "Characters sounds"? Like Swords sounds, hits sounds and etc. Those sounds are in files named "CHAR_" (As I mentioned earlier). I tried to do it by your method but I get nothing but broken .fsb
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Re: MK 11 unpack, repack
@Egor705, yes I did. First I decompressed them with QuickBMS w/ Shokoniraya's script. Then I used Ravioli to extract and convert them to .ogg
Stuff like this ?
You can find it in the .xxx or .psf files starting with GEARASSETS. I can't remember which ones, but I think it was the .psf files. Unfortunately they're so big and bloated because they most likely contain textures or meshes inside. And it will take Ravioli a long time to process them
Stuff like this ?
You can find it in the .xxx or .psf files starting with GEARASSETS. I can't remember which ones, but I think it was the .psf files. Unfortunately they're so big and bloated because they most likely contain textures or meshes inside. And it will take Ravioli a long time to process them
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Re: MK 11 unpack, repack
Oh, thank you. I thought they were inside "CHAR" files (In previous games they were in there).
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Re: MK 11 unpack, repack
Hey guys, so is there a way to get the textures and meshes from the files?
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- Joined: Tue Jan 26, 2016 10:34 pm
Re: MK 11 unpack, repack
About the tweakvars file, it's been encrypted differently since MKX. No one was able to check its content then too. That's why it gives error.
About the string at the end of the encrypted files, it's just there to make sure the file was done correctly. It has no value and means nothing. It's a common UE4 string that specifies that this file is encrypted/compressed... Etc
Also, thank you for the script. Would you be interested in helping us with modding the game? We're a small community of 3 members who constantly are trying to mod the PC version. We have our own tools and so to bypass denuvo and such, and we know how to reimport files into the game and make it work, but we can't modify the files themselves yet. If you're interested let me know please.
About the tweakvars file, it's been encrypted differently since MKX. No one was able to check its content then too. That's why it gives error.
About the string at the end of the encrypted files, it's just there to make sure the file was done correctly. It has no value and means nothing. It's a common UE4 string that specifies that this file is encrypted/compressed... Etc
Also, thank you for the script. Would you be interested in helping us with modding the game? We're a small community of 3 members who constantly are trying to mod the PC version. We have our own tools and so to bypass denuvo and such, and we know how to reimport files into the game and make it work, but we can't modify the files themselves yet. If you're interested let me know please.
- Posts: 416
- Joined: Sat Sep 15, 2018 5:22 am
Re: MK 11 unpack, repack
thethiny wrote:@Shokoniraya
About the tweakvars file, it's been encrypted differently since MKX. No one was able to check its content then too. That's why it gives error.
About the string at the end of the encrypted files, it's just there to make sure the file was done correctly. It has no value and means nothing. It's a common UE4 string that specifies that this file is encrypted/compressed... Etc
Also, thank you for the script. Would you be interested in helping us with modding the game? We're a small community of 3 members who constantly are trying to mod the PC version. We have our own tools and so to bypass denuvo and such, and we know how to reimport files into the game and make it work, but we can't modify the files themselves yet. If you're interested let me know please.
tweakvars using zlib, and script just working with OODLE, maybe i will update and add lzo and
zlib in later to support better
about strings, thanks for saying and probably its just because of padded encryption, any hope to get key?
i want to mod it too, im working on a extractor script, but main problem is loading unmodified decompress files to game, can you do anything for that?
- Posts: 416
- Joined: Sat Sep 15, 2018 5:22 am
Re: MK 11 unpack, repack
can anybody test this file on game and tell me its work or not?
- Posts: 10
- Joined: Tue Jan 26, 2016 10:34 pm
Re: MK 11 unpack, repack
Shokoniraya wrote:tweakvars using zlib, and script just working with OODLE, maybe i will update and add lzo and
zlib in later to support better
about strings, thanks for saying and probably its just because of padded encryption, any hope to get key?
i want to mod it too, im working on a extractor script, but main problem is loading unmodified decompress files to game, can you do anything for that?
About the tweakvars, great news!
About strings, you're correct. The keys are the following:
93 BB 69 DF 37 D5 38 57 B8 6B 20 E1 45 CB A0 61 DD 7D CF ED 3A AC F2 DB 29 35 91 6C 27 66 0B AF
45 37 40 5B 64 5A 66 6F 59 43 57 3B 2B 59 57 52 3B 30 4A 4B 5E 7B 39 74 74 3A 79 55 30 5F 54 26
98 2F 8A 42 91 44 37 71 CF FB C0 B5 A5 DB B5 E9 5B C2 56 39 F1 11 F1 59 A4 82 3F 92 D5 5E 1C AB
22 AE 28 D7 98 2F 8A 42 CD 65 EF 23 91 44 37 71 2F 3B 4D EC CF FB C0 B5 BC DB 89 81 A5 DB B5 E9
I found these keys in the dlls and in the exe. I'm unsure which of them is the right one, but the 2nd key (93 BB) is the one that is loaded up along with the coalesced in memory. I believe it is compressed After encryption, since in MKX they were encrypted only. I could be wrong though. Your best bet is to mod THIS file attached (EnumDatabase.json).
If you're interested in going forward and working together, then please hit me up on discord thethiny #9580, twitter thethiny, or facebook thethiny.
About the file you uploaded, I will need to update my tool first to be able to load it. I will do that hopefully tomorrow. You can't just load decompressed files and assume them to work without adjusting them in the TOC and the ContentVal txt files.
I just tried your file, and although the game doesn't throw an error, it crashes the moment it loads up the file. Probably it needs to be recompressed.
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- Joined: Fri Sep 14, 2018 6:25 am
Re: MK 11 unpack, repack
If you can provide some details on the archive and model formats, I can code support for the archives into my suite of tools.
- Posts: 6
- Joined: Wed Jan 17, 2018 1:18 am
Re: MK 11 unpack, repack
any chance of someone uploading sound effects? thank you!
- Posts: 1
- Joined: Tue Jun 11, 2019 3:21 pm
Re: MK 11 unpack, repack
hi there, so can we extract files from Coalesced.ini using quickbms?
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- Joined: Mon Jun 24, 2019 9:05 am
Re: MK 11 unpack, repack
Can anyone unpack file "\Mortal Kombat 11\Asset\" (PC version)?
BMS Script from this theme doesn't work with it
BMS Script from this theme doesn't work with it

- Posts: 82
- Joined: Sat Dec 22, 2018 10:03 am
Re: MK 11 unpack, repack
mrNicetone wrote:hi there, so can we extract files from Coalesced.ini using quickbms?
This is not a archive, but configuration file. Only first version is decrypted. Next ones are not cracked.
- Posts: 15
- Joined: Sun Aug 23, 2020 1:47 pm
Re: MK 11 unpack, repack
Sorry to bump an old topic, but I'm looking for tools to extract and repack MK11 files.
Any chance to get a quickbms updated script for this game? IF not, are there any resources I can use to learn about creating new bms scripts?
Any chance to get a quickbms updated script for this game? IF not, are there any resources I can use to learn about creating new bms scripts?