the texture only having 12 byte header with little data and sure enough there is more to this

the main image data is stored in files that end in "_M0", which probably means "mip zero"
the rest of header with width and height is stored in files of the same name without the "_M0"
so the script is going to work with file pairs like this
the width and height is stored as shorts in the non "_M0" file at 0x10 and 0x12
i think the image format flag is stored in the non "_M0" some where in the 4 bytes after the width and height
files with "DM" in the name are diffuse maps
files with "EM" in the name are emissive maps
files with "NM" in the name are normal maps
files with "AO" in the name are ambient occlusion maps
files with "LVM" in the name are light or level maps (?)
files with "DA" in the name are diffuse alpha maps (?)