Excellent work! Lazy_Cat_2k3.
My text mod was created for v1.2.0.1890 version of .exe , it also works for Steam .exe of the same version. That is gone now because steam released a version just a day ago which added Japanese language support and have a different text buffer size and address. So no Steam until I figure it out.
The source is not ready for release , it was based on this DX wrapper project (
https://github.com/elishacloud/DirectX-Wrappers) with modification that access game code for text mod. The same license and disclaimer applied, not responsible if your machine catch on fire

Gujian3 text mod binary is available here: ( check later post for version that support new version of Steam .exe)
https://www.mediafire.com/file/v0nfvqz6ttzny35/G3TextMod.zip/fileIt contains 2 files. Dsound.dll and text.bin. put them both in your game bin64/ directory next to the gujian3.exe
text.bin is the decrypted text buffer. I've tested it lightly with Lazy_Cat_2k3's Gujian3TextEditor. Generated a bigger text.bin with longer text seems to work so far. Remember there is no integrity check of the text.bin format. If you modify a tag insteads of a display string by mistake, game will likely crash or worse.