Rulesless wrote:Use this tool, is with GUI, automatic conversion.
If U don't have to keep the same size and need use necessarily the Chinese tool you can open two instances by copying or translating from the English (or French or German ...) msbt.
Tell us what you did with suggested Chinese tool, please.
What I do is open script editor, because already has versions of japanese and chinese script, I got it on the first link you gave me.
Then I open two times msbt editor, one file with the japanese script and other with the english scrip, that's because the have different order but on msbt they are ordered by names also, so it's a lot easier to find.
After that I look on the line that I want to translate and copy the japanese kanas and search on script editor, translate and repeat.
Now the main issue I find is that if my text is longer than the original it doesn't appear on screen, also there are like "dots" under some letters.
Well, new challenges

Thank you for all your help, i'm totally noob on this and I don't know even about python, I learned a lot in a couple of days