Can anyone make me a whole process step by step (with pictures)
my Gmail:- blackberryto47@gmail.com
Thank You
CamC999 wrote:I am likely to make a video tutorial on YouTube soon, since there are no tutorials that seem to support this topic. I will say that it takes a lot of patience and is not so easy. Anyways, I will give further notice about the video tutorial. I hope this helps!
Ember wrote:Can someone convert png to sc?
rus_lol_ wrote:Ember wrote:Can someone convert png to sc?
i came here with this question..
rus_lol_ wrote:Ember wrote:Can someone convert png to sc?
i came here with this question..
barbossa42 wrote:It is VERY unlikely that the client (CR app) would accept modified resource files, since it validates their hash against the server.
Now, if there were some alternative server around, like the Ultrapowa Clash Server, it wouldn't be hard to reverse the process: change the textures, update the texture map if necessary, save a stream of pixels in the correct format, compress with LZMA and remove a part of the header, so the file would behave just like CR's .sc files.
Also, I'm not the creator of dumpsc, just fixed a bug
barbossa42 wrote:It is VERY unlikely that the client (CR app) would accept modified resource files, since it validates their hash against the server.
Now, if there were some alternative server around, like the Ultrapowa Clash Server, it wouldn't be hard to reverse the process: change the textures, update the texture map if necessary, save a stream of pixels in the correct format, compress with LZMA and remove a part of the header, so the file would behave just like CR's .sc files.
Also, I'm not the creator of dumpsc, just fixed a bug
Ember wrote:rus_lol_ wrote:Ember wrote:Can someone convert png to sc?
i came here with this question..
Ты из России?
CamC999 wrote:So I found that the .sc files have a fingerprint and hash on them, not allowing you to edit them, however, the _tex.sc files don't. I was able to replace the chr_princess_tex.sc with chr_electro_wiz_tex.sc and it worked using filza on jailbreak. The problem is that the normal .sc files can't be changed, so it ends up trying to perform an animation meant for the princess texture, on the electro wizard, making the textures offset and out of place.
I am trying to find a way to use LZMA and the dumpsc.py script to reencrypt edited .png files that will save them as the correct encrypted .sc files. Do you know enough about the script to reverse the process?
barbossa42 wrote:CamC999 wrote:So I found that the .sc files have a fingerprint and hash on them, not allowing you to edit them, however, the _tex.sc files don't. I was able to replace the chr_princess_tex.sc with chr_electro_wiz_tex.sc and it worked using filza on jailbreak. The problem is that the normal .sc files can't be changed, so it ends up trying to perform an animation meant for the princess texture, on the electro wizard, making the textures offset and out of place.
I am trying to find a way to use LZMA and the dumpsc.py script to reencrypt edited .png files that will save them as the correct encrypted .sc files. Do you know enough about the script to reverse the process?
As I said before, the reverse process is relatively simple. Unfortunately I'm a bit busy at work to code it, but here is an outline:
0- Change your PNG file as wished; to keep it simple, keep the image dimensions the same.
1- Load the image using PIL/pillow, convert it to an 1D array of pixels, encoded as 4 bytes per pixel (RGBA)
2- Write the header:
2.1- byte 0 is 0x01
2.2- bytes 1-4 should be the number of pixels * the number of bytes per pixel (4), little endian notation
2.3- byte 5 should be 0x00
2.4- bytes 6-7 are the image width, little endian
2.5- bytes 8-9 are the image height, little endian
3- Write header + image data to a file, compress using LZMA
4- Remove 4 0x00 bytes from position 9 of the compressed file
5- Save as .sc
Some sprite map files have the image pixel format in them, this could probably cause some errors; you would need to note the pixel format of the source image and re-encode the pixels in the original format, but this is outside my knowledge, the instructions above are for RGBA8888. Check the convert_pixel function and reverse the binary operations there.
rus_lol_ wrote:barbossa42 wrote:CamC999 wrote:So I found that the .sc files have a fingerprint and hash on them, not allowing you to edit them, however, the _tex.sc files don't. I was able to replace the chr_princess_tex.sc with chr_electro_wiz_tex.sc and it worked using filza on jailbreak. The problem is that the normal .sc files can't be changed, so it ends up trying to perform an animation meant for the princess texture, on the electro wizard, making the textures offset and out of place.
I am trying to find a way to use LZMA and the dumpsc.py script to reencrypt edited .png files that will save them as the correct encrypted .sc files. Do you know enough about the script to reverse the process?
As I said before, the reverse process is relatively simple. Unfortunately I'm a bit busy at work to code it, but here is an outline:
0- Change your PNG file as wished; to keep it simple, keep the image dimensions the same.
1- Load the image using PIL/pillow, convert it to an 1D array of pixels, encoded as 4 bytes per pixel (RGBA)
2- Write the header:
2.1- byte 0 is 0x01
2.2- bytes 1-4 should be the number of pixels * the number of bytes per pixel (4), little endian notation
2.3- byte 5 should be 0x00
2.4- bytes 6-7 are the image width, little endian
2.5- bytes 8-9 are the image height, little endian
3- Write header + image data to a file, compress using LZMA
4- Remove 4 0x00 bytes from position 9 of the compressed file
5- Save as .sc
Some sprite map files have the image pixel format in them, this could probably cause some errors; you would need to note the pixel format of the source image and re-encode the pixels in the original format, but this is outside my knowledge, the instructions above are for RGBA8888. Check the convert_pixel function and reverse the binary operations there.
Thanks man!but I'd rather wait for the script)