offzip gives the *.dat files no useful file names and they are headerless.
it is up to each person to open the dat files in a hex editor and identify the data type,
some are image data, some are face indices, some are vertex blocks etc...
your 00000019.dat sample looks like vertex data for a track model to me.

your 00000000.dat file looks like it has not been run through offzip yet. i still see some compressed blocks
for the png example i converted before, i had to open some dats in a hex editor and selected one with image data,
then i had to input information into a temp python script by hand to begin trial and error regarding width and height
based on file size, then the format based on known X360 tiled formats. the best i can do to help you further is provide
the temp script which is not automated, you have to input the values for trial and error which means you still have to
teach yourself how to identify the data through experience. i hope this was clearer.