Unity Assets Explorer [v 1.3]
- Posts: 68
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Re: Unity Assets Explorer [v 1.3]
Work on support Unity 5 is not over yet. Just wait for the next versions.
Work on support Unity 5 is not over yet. Just wait for the next versions.
- Posts: 404
- Joined: Mon Oct 06, 2014 6:41 pm
Re: Unity Assets Explorer [v 1.3]
Haoose wrote:druckdruck
Work on support Unity 5 is not over yet. Just wait for the next versions.
Can you help me how to import a new font ?
- Posts: 6
- Joined: Tue Jun 23, 2015 2:46 pm
Re: Unity Assets Explorer [v 1.3]
Use QuickBMS
and script:
and Quick BMS Editor GUI (with QuickBMS in folder Tools and Unity.bms in folder Scripts)
https://www.dropbox.com/s/u4i8m6zki5zpq ... I.zip?dl=0
I use this soft to Ori and the blind forest - Unity 5.0.0b5. I create polish language in this game.
Script work very well, but I modified the script for its own needs (add new type files).
and script:
and Quick BMS Editor GUI (with QuickBMS in folder Tools and Unity.bms in folder Scripts)
https://www.dropbox.com/s/u4i8m6zki5zpq ... I.zip?dl=0
I use this soft to Ori and the blind forest - Unity 5.0.0b5. I create polish language in this game.
Script work very well, but I modified the script for its own needs (add new type files).
- Posts: 27
- Joined: Sat Jul 11, 2015 8:04 am
Re: Unity Assets Explorer [v 1.3]
Hi Haoose, i use your tool to modify subtitle file of Her Story, it no error. But when i play the game, it not responding and out of memory. your tool is only for tex file ?
- Posts: 165
- Joined: Wed Aug 13, 2014 10:00 am
Re: Unity Assets Explorer [v 1.3]
Support for Unity 5 is still in experimental stage.
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- Joined: Mon Jul 13, 2015 4:50 pm
Re: Unity Assets Explorer [v 1.3]
Все нормально работает и извлекает, но модели извлекаются в форматах типа "43", "1" и т.д., чем же их открыть? Остальное вынимается нормально.
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- Joined: Tue Jul 21, 2015 10:51 am
Re: Unity Assets Explorer [v 1.3]
Thank you very much for this tool! 

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- Joined: Wed Aug 05, 2015 8:53 am
Re: Unity Assets Explorer [v 1.3]
Thank you for your tool.
Can you try to supports large file(>2GB)?
In x64 window, can't open 2GB+ assets file.
Can you try to supports large file(>2GB)?
In x64 window, can't open 2GB+ assets file.
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- Joined: Fri Aug 07, 2015 3:30 am
Re: Unity Assets Explorer [v 1.3]
ztjal wrote:Thank you for your tool.
Can you try to supports large file(>2GB)?
In x64 window, can't open 2GB+ assets file.
I have the exact same issue. I read somewhere that there was a version of the program that used on disc space instead of RAM? This was when it was still in 1.2 though. It'd be nice if this issue could be fixed or some kind of option added for using on disc space instead of RAM.
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Re: Unity Assets Explorer [v 1.3]
Couldn't find anything on XentaX for updates to this.
"The Forest" has updated to Unity 5 so nothing out there works.
Tried everything, even QuickBMS. Not for Unity 5.
This can read the .assets for The Forest, but can't extract anything yet for the "audio".
Been trying to rack my brain how I did it before.
I guess it was back when The Forest was using older Unity version(s).
Looking forward to any updates.
Couldn't find anything on XentaX for updates to this.
"The Forest" has updated to Unity 5 so nothing out there works.
Tried everything, even QuickBMS. Not for Unity 5.
This can read the .assets for The Forest, but can't extract anything yet for the "audio".
Been trying to rack my brain how I did it before.
I guess it was back when The Forest was using older Unity version(s).
Looking forward to any updates.

- Posts: 68
- Joined: Thu Aug 07, 2014 9:43 pm
Re: Unity Assets Explorer [v 1.3]
Just a reminder: Latest version is always available on a permanent link on my dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2qorsfd50ixvn ... plorer.exe
Mirror: https://mega.nz/#!YEFHQDIB!Km_65FeE8kyj ... Kw3oPKral0
Mirror: https://mega.nz/#!YEFHQDIB!Km_65FeE8kyj ... Kw3oPKral0
Last edited by Haoose on Sat Dec 09, 2017 11:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
- Posts: 2
- Joined: Fri Sep 11, 2015 9:34 am
Re: Unity Assets Explorer [v 1.3]
Привет, а можно как нибудь экспортнуть меши из распакованного .assets ? Или куда угодно. На форуме не нашел про меши ничего. Я попробывал получившийся файл пдсунуть внутри юнити редактора как asset mesh - не работает ((
- Posts: 68
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Re: Unity Assets Explorer [v 1.3]
Насколько я знаю меши надо как-то конвертировать в формат, понятный 3D-редакторам. Ничего такого в программе не реализовано и реализовывать не планирую, т.к. программа предназначена для локализации игр, а не для выдергивания моделей. Можешь попробовать что-то типа disunity или Unity Importer от Chipicao.
Насколько я знаю меши надо как-то конвертировать в формат, понятный 3D-редакторам. Ничего такого в программе не реализовано и реализовывать не планирую, т.к. программа предназначена для локализации игр, а не для выдергивания моделей. Можешь попробовать что-то типа disunity или Unity Importer от Chipicao.
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- Joined: Fri Sep 11, 2015 9:34 am
Re: Unity Assets Explorer [v 1.3]
спасибо за ответ. Unity Importer пробывал, зависает на большом файле.
спасибо за ответ. Unity Importer пробывал, зависает на большом файле.
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- Joined: Tue Sep 29, 2015 9:41 am
Re: Unity Assets Explorer [v 1.3]
Hey mate awesome program, works great when getting textures.
But i was wondering how i would go about getting a (TerrainData) file within an .assets file and actually be able to use it in unity's terrain system. I've tried just extracting it and using it as the terrains data but that didn't work. Any help is appreciated
But i was wondering how i would go about getting a (TerrainData) file within an .assets file and actually be able to use it in unity's terrain system. I've tried just extracting it and using it as the terrains data but that didn't work. Any help is appreciated
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- Joined: Thu Oct 08, 2015 9:23 pm
Re: Unity Assets Explorer [v 1.3]
@Haoose is there anyway you can add in a feature that allows me to filter out every type but tex or music or whatever it is I'm wanting to extract? That would be incredibly useful! Also there seems to be some file types it doesn't recognize and can't extract such as "Texture2D - Unused29" and a few others these were in an assets file for the game Shroud of the Avatar which you can obtain the client for free here. https://d2sx9mrt4zumaq.cloudfront.net/I ... taller.exe I'm using the assets for a game item database so "Fair use". If you could figure out why these aren't extracting and fix it soon that would be amazing! It would be great if you opened sourced this project on github or something I bet a lot of people would contribute and help make it better 

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- Joined: Wed Sep 16, 2015 1:50 am
Re: Unity Assets Explorer [v 1.3]
Does this program support split assets? (.assets.split0, .assets.split1, etc.)
I'm trying to extract the models from the Android game Love Dance.
(Forgive my n00bness if this is easily solved but I'm new to Unity extraction)
I'm trying to extract the models from the Android game Love Dance.
(Forgive my n00bness if this is easily solved but I'm new to Unity extraction)
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- Joined: Thu Oct 15, 2015 10:20 pm
Re: Unity Assets Explorer [v 1.3]
Does anyone else has issues opening files bigger than 1GB?
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- Joined: Thu Oct 22, 2015 3:28 am
Re: Unity Assets Explorer [v 1.3]
Хочется поблагодарить вас за программу. Она супер и очень удобная.
Но вот при попытке открыть файл больше 1 Гб выдает ошибку "out memory". Обычно это файлы Unity 5, в одном из них аж 775 тыс файлов.
Мне удалось распаковать большие .assets при помощи других программ, но программу которая еще так отлично конвертирует .tex->.dds не удалось найти на просторах интернета. Ваша программа позволяет конвертировать только один выбранный .tex, а у меня их набралось около 8 тыс. А конвертировать все .tex сразу не представляется возможным.
P.S.: Я уже сталкивался с подобным при создании приложений. Возможно, у вашей программы переменная, которая отвечает за количество файлов(или количество строк в таблице) имеет 16 бит диапазон, т.е. -32 768 ... 32 767, если я не ошибаюсь. И это может приводить вот таким ошибкам и не дает прочитать большие .assets
Но вот при попытке открыть файл больше 1 Гб выдает ошибку "out memory". Обычно это файлы Unity 5, в одном из них аж 775 тыс файлов.
Мне удалось распаковать большие .assets при помощи других программ, но программу которая еще так отлично конвертирует .tex->.dds не удалось найти на просторах интернета. Ваша программа позволяет конвертировать только один выбранный .tex, а у меня их набралось около 8 тыс. А конвертировать все .tex сразу не представляется возможным.
P.S.: Я уже сталкивался с подобным при создании приложений. Возможно, у вашей программы переменная, которая отвечает за количество файлов(или количество строк в таблице) имеет 16 бит диапазон, т.е. -32 768 ... 32 767, если я не ошибаюсь. И это может приводить вот таким ошибкам и не дает прочитать большие .assets
- Posts: 73
- Joined: Thu Sep 10, 2015 10:17 pm
Re: Unity Assets Explorer [v 1.3]
Hey Haoose, I tried to open this file https://www.dropbox.com/s/rdivj7rd6pzi7 ... ity3d?dl=0 (It's from a game called Hearthstone), but it doesn't open the file. The file is Unity5 base. Hopefully this file will help you update the range of your UAE tool.