Map tool set for Anthem.Most map objects properly placed, including blueprints. Also basic terrain support.

1. Dump the gameUse the new toc_anthem_v3.exe, it was updated since original anthem dump tool, because i found that some rare chunks were not dumped, and they are needed for maps. So if you have dumped anthem before, you need to redump it.
Set desired parameters in ufbe.ini
Parameters are:
- game path
- dump path
- asset type
Notice now there must be no "data" or "patch" in the end of "game path".
Asset type can be "ebx", "res", "chunks" or "all". Anything else (or empty line) is considered as "all".
Then you need to run dump tool on all .TOC files from the game. You can do them one by one as there are not too many, or in a batch, but its important that you must first run it on all .TOC files from "patch" folder, then on all .TOC files from "data" folder.
Tool needs oo2core_8_win64.dll or oo2core_7_win64.dll, just rename it to oo2core_8_win64.dll
2. Edit the included FB_MAPS.INI file with paths to your dump.The other 3 tools need this fb_maps.ini file with 2 parameters: paths to dumped bundles (ebx+res) and chunks.
3. Create databaseRun fb_maps_anthem_db.exe tool once, it will scan whole dump for meshsets and blueprints, so later maps can be converted fast, without the need to go into whole tree of assets. This will take a few minutes. After that, 2 files will be created: bp.db & meshnames.txt, which need to stay in the same folder with EXE for main tool to work.
4. Export mapsUse fb_maps_anthem.exe (main map tool) to convert maps. Drop any EBX on it, use in command line with 1 parameter, or create a batch.
In addition to .ascii export with all baked meshes, it will create a text file with a list of all mesh instances and their 3x4 transform matrices. So if you like, you can make a script for your favourite editor or engine (3dmax, maya, blender, unity, unreal) and place all meshes as instances.
5. Terrain exportSame usage as swbf2 terrain:
Drop .TerrainStreamingTree on fb_terrain_anthem.exe or use command line.
It will export heightmap parts into "hmap" subfolder. As you can see on the pictures above, terrain in frostbite is saved in square parts of different size, organized in a tree-like structure. Some parts may be very detailed, while others not. Tool will only save highest detail level for each square and skip all lower LODs.
6. Mesh export toolFb_anthem.exe - this was also included to support the new way of dumping meshsets (no metadata in filename, its included inside file). It also saves exported .ascii/.smd files in the original directory tree. Skeletons will be expected in the tool folder, as before.