New compression algorithms to add
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Re: New compression algorithms to add
quickbms already has lzf implemented and it seems the same algorithm, have you checked it?
There is also fastlzah that should be similar.
There is also fastlzah that should be similar.
- Posts: 12
- Joined: Thu May 05, 2016 10:53 pm
Re: New compression algorithms to add
I found this python codefor BPE
Can be used for something? I will try to translate to other language
Can be used for something? I will try to translate to other language
Code: Select all
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# checks whether a character is usable for a definition
def char_usable(char, text):
good = [9, 10, 13]; # "safe" characters with ordinals < 32
if (char <= 255 and chr(char) in text) or (char < 32 and char not in good):
return False # not usable, try another one
else: return True # usable
# Byte-pair compression
# Works by replacing common pairs of letters with a single letter (a "definition") and placing that definition in a dictionary
def compress(text):
dictionary = [] # dictionary of pair definitions - very ironic
dict_char = 9
while not char_usable(dict_char, text): dict_char += 1 # find dictionary-delimiting character
if dict_char > 255:
print "Document uses all ASCII characters and is uncompressable."
while True: # infinite loop
character = 9
while not char_usable(character, text) or character == dict_char: character += 1 # find character to define
p = 0 # initialize pair pointer
dict = {} # temp dictionary of pair frequencies
while p < len(text): # loop through all possible pairs
x = text[p:p+2]
dict[x] = dict[x] + 1 if dict.get(x, False) else 1 # increment pair's frequency counter
p += 1
large = 0
large_pair = ""
for pair,amount in dict.items(): # check through dictionary for most frequent pair
if amount > large:
large_pair = pair
large = amount # use it
if large == 1 or character > 255: break # if there are no common pairs or we are out of characters to define, exit the loop
text = text.replace(large_pair, chr(character)) # perform the replacement with the definition
dictionary.append([large_pair, chr(character)]) # add the definition to the dictionary
dict_str = chr(dict_char) # get the dictionary-delimiting character
for item in dictionary: # convert the dictionary into a string
dict_str += item[0] + item[1]
return chr(dict_char) + text + dict_str # construct the final compressed string with all information necessary
# Byte-pair decompression
# reconstructs the dictionary, then applies it
def decompress(text):
dictionary = [] # init dictionary
dict_char = text[0] # find dictionary-delimiting character
text = text[1:] # remove dict-delim char from text
dict_start = text.index(dict_char)+1 # remove dicionary character from text
dict_str = text[dict_start:] # separate out dictionary and text
text = text[:dict_start-1] # remove dictionary from text
i = 0
while i < len(dict_str): # loop and parse dictionary
dictionary.append([dict_str[i:i+2], dict_str[i+2]])
i += 3
dictionary.reverse() # reverse it so items are read in right order
for item in dictionary:
text = text.replace(item[1], item[0]) # perform replacements
return text
# Checks whether a file has been compressed using this script
def is_compressed(text):
# first character in document (dictionary character) only appears elsewhere once: probably compressed using this algorithm
return True if text[1:].count(text[0]) == 1 else False
choice = raw_input("[c]ompress or [d]ecompress: ")
input = raw_input("Enter file to process: ")
# Opens the file
file = open(input, "rb")
text =
except IOError:
print "Can't read input file."
# Runs selected option
if choice == "c":
result = compress(text)
print "----------"
print "Original length:\t" + str(len(text)) + " bytes"
print "Compressed length:\t" + str(len(result)) + " bytes (" + str(round((float(len(result)) / float(len(text))) * 100, 2)) + "% of original size)"
print "----------"
elif is_compressed(text): result = decompress(text)
print "Input file not compressed!"
new_file = raw_input("Enter output file (or leave blank to display): ")
# Writes to output file
if len(new_file):
new = open(new_file, "wb")
else: print result
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- Posts: 12984
- Joined: Wed Jul 30, 2014 9:32 pm
Re: New compression algorithms to add
Do you know that quickbms already implements various BPE compression algorithms?
Is this one different than those already available?
Is this one different than those already available?
- Posts: 121
- Joined: Sun May 01, 2016 10:06 pm
Re: New compression algorithms to add
Is there a PS3/PSVita LZ77 implementation?
Sorry, I'm not fluent in C, so here are some QuickBMS implementations and game files.
Be careful, "debug" scripts give an enormous logfile with what got copied and where.
Sorry, I'm not fluent in C, so here are some QuickBMS implementations and game files.
Be careful, "debug" scripts give an enormous logfile with what got copied and where.
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- Posts: 12984
- Joined: Wed Jul 30, 2014 9:32 pm
Re: New compression algorithms to add
I don't think to have seen that particular implementation so it's probably not available in the list of algorithms supported by quickbms.
Do you have the original code?
Do you have the original code?
- Posts: 121
- Joined: Sun May 01, 2016 10:06 pm
Re: New compression algorithms to add
Sadly, no. No C/C++ code.
I myself came up with QuickBMS solution.
I myself came up with QuickBMS solution.
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Re: New compression algorithms to add
Well, I will implement it in the next version of quickbms.
- Posts: 121
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Re: New compression algorithms to add
If this of any help: I've looked at and now I think that is a (simplified?) variant of LZSS.
- Posts: 388
- Joined: Thu Aug 07, 2014 10:28 pm
Re: New compression algorithms to add
SLZ type 03
sample viewtopic.php?f=9&t=2659
sample viewtopic.php?f=9&t=2659
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Re: New compression algorithms to add
That algorithm is already implemented as SLZ_03.
That algorithm is already implemented as SLZ_03.
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- Posts: 12984
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Re: New compression algorithms to add
I confirm that the algorithm will be available in quickbms 0.7.5, I have just made the C code
I confirm that the algorithm will be available in quickbms 0.7.5, I have just made the C code

- Posts: 121
- Joined: Sun May 01, 2016 10:06 pm
Re: New compression algorithms to add
aluigi wrote:...
Great to know.
Is there a possibility to add a compression too, with it being modified (all flags are in front of all the literals/codepairs) and limited (in dictionary and word length) LZSS?
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- Posts: 12984
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Re: New compression algorithms to add
well, yes but I'm not sure if it's worth, probably the decompressed files can be read anyway by the games.
- Posts: 121
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