The reason of that error is that quickbms accepts a text file or a string with the -F option, because somtimes it may be useful to have a list of files in a text file rather than having a long command-line option.
My mistake is that probably I should limit the file input to the .txt extension (so -F list.txt is ok while -F list.dat is considered a string).
Let me know if that may be better and I will add it.
*edit* anyway there is something that I have to check in the beta because there was currently a NUL-byte check on the filter file that seems to fail
*edit2* yeah it's a bug, long story short the input files have the local folder in them so I have to find a simple solution: .\EnderLilies-WindowsNoEditor.pak
quickbms_4gb_files is 32bit too, what I mentioned is a "possible" idea for the future.
Anyway I released a new beta of quickbms with a possible solution and a work-around.
The solution was already available in quickbms but only activated when using the -9 option, while now in the beta it's ever working. It consists in freeing the current buffer if reallocation fails (because realloc takes double memory).
The work-around instead is allocating only one buffer containing both input and output, obviously this is WRONG but it may work often since the input buffer is located at the end of the output one and the decompression should advance both input and output without overlapping.
A warning message is displayed when the work-around is activated.
beta exe:
http://aluigi.org/beta/quickbms_exe.zip(source code diff is ever at