Ghost Recon Wildlands
- Posts: 1040
- Joined: Sun Mar 22, 2015 7:09 pm
Re: Ghost Recon Wildlands
All textures used in a model must be exported with the tool. That's all i know now. If you think some are not, it will require additional research.
Skeleton rotates exactly like its defined by difference between animation and mesh skeletons. It can be 90, or 0 degrees, or any other number.
Skeleton rotates exactly like its defined by difference between animation and mesh skeletons. It can be 90, or 0 degrees, or any other number.
- Posts: 61
- Joined: Sun Jun 05, 2016 1:30 pm
Re: Ghost Recon Wildlands
To TSelman61, you can find the camo textures from the same archive as the base game assets with the use of Archive_Next, they'll be the first ones which appear on the long list. As much as I remember, the texture names should be the exact same ones as they're in the game.
However, like in most recent Ubisoft games, the color/camo variations on top of base textures use the engine to match together. I had to edit the textures manually to get the camos looking as they should. However, I'm not sure how to get the eyes working properly.
If you are looking for the detail textures, they're called LIB_XXX_detail normal/diffuse map, also found in the same archive.
However, like in most recent Ubisoft games, the color/camo variations on top of base textures use the engine to match together. I had to edit the textures manually to get the camos looking as they should. However, I'm not sure how to get the eyes working properly.
If you are looking for the detail textures, they're called LIB_XXX_detail normal/diffuse map, also found in the same archive.
- Posts: 46
- Joined: Thu Nov 02, 2017 1:53 pm
Re: Ghost Recon Wildlands
MaZTeR wrote:you can find the camo textures from the same archive as the base game assets with the use of Archive_Next, they'll be the first ones which appear on the long list. As much as I remember...
I'm not sure how to get the eyes working properly....
I know what you're talking about. But maybe you know. MDA has now stopped developing "Archive_Next".
I can export those tissues for this game. But the same thing will not happen for Assassin's Creed: Origins. Because Archive_Next does not support ACO. I've been trying so hard for this.
Eyes are easy to edit. ... -762417964 You can see in the picture.
- Posts: 61
- Joined: Sun Jun 05, 2016 1:30 pm
Re: Ghost Recon Wildlands
TSelman61 wrote:MaZTeR wrote:you can find the camo textures from the same archive as the base game assets with the use of Archive_Next, they'll be the first ones which appear on the long list. As much as I remember...
I'm not sure how to get the eyes working properly....
I know what you're talking about. But maybe you know. MDA has now stopped developing "Archive_Next".
I can export those tissues for this game. But the same thing will not happen for Assassin's Creed: Origins. Because Archive_Next does not support ACO. I've been trying so hard for this.
Eyes are easy to edit. ... -762417964 You can see in the picture.
Ah alright. Yeah the Archive_Next maker hasn't updated it for a long time which is a shame.
As for the eyes, you seem to have fixed the purple-ish base color of the eye texture, which I am having problems with changing since I don't have Photoshop (even if I did, not sure how to change it), but the iris texture is still the same as it is in the game files, instead of it being blue like the character in the game has, you should prob change that for your model.
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Re: Ghost Recon Wildlands
id-daemon wrote:So I'm starting to gather opinions which game to support next: AC origins, For Honor, Rainbox 6 siege? Maybe something else?
Please do not be limited to AC origins only. Export AC's previous games.
Indeed, the same Game Engine is being used. Even Motor versions are the same.
That would be really awesome.
- Posts: 46
- Joined: Thu Nov 02, 2017 1:53 pm
Re: Ghost Recon Wildlands
MaZTeR wrote:even if I did, not sure how to change it
maybe you can use Gimp 2. If I knew how to use Gimp I could help you but I do not know.
I can help you figure out how to do this. Or I can make your eyes the way you want.
- Posts: 61
- Joined: Sun Jun 05, 2016 1:30 pm
Re: Ghost Recon Wildlands
TSelman61 wrote:MaZTeR wrote:even if I did, not sure how to change it
maybe you can use Gimp 2. If I knew how to use Gimp I could help you but I do not know.
I can help you figure out how to do this. Or I can make your eyes the way you want.
I'm downloading Photoshop right now but I do have Gimp 2. However, if it's easier for you to show on PS, then maybe that's better.
Also, I kinda would like to learn it since I might be extracting other characters as well which would require me to do this same thing for them as well.
- Posts: 46
- Joined: Thu Nov 02, 2017 1:53 pm
Re: Ghost Recon Wildlands
MaZTeR wrote:I'm downloading Photoshop right now ....
Okay. I recorded a small, fast video. There are many ways of doing this.I recorded the video in some lengthy and detailed way. I even created a simple action script.
You can change your eyes as you like. ... BcJ67c5-rS
I will show you in the Actionscript version I made. This method will be easier if you want to convert a lot of eye texture map.
A quick video: ... W52eyx-Th7
Action: ... gaBnakqfl2
you can learn how to upload and use action file from internet. It's pretty simple anyway.
But I do not know how the game is transformed. I think it's like my method.

I hope it helps.
- Posts: 61
- Joined: Sun Jun 05, 2016 1:30 pm
Re: Ghost Recon Wildlands
Thanks, that helped, but thanks to Ansel, I noticed that there are actually two colors in the iris, one near the pupil and one near the edges which is lighter in color. At the moment, the iris looks too black and white with it. Here's an image:
- Posts: 46
- Joined: Thu Nov 02, 2017 1:53 pm
Re: Ghost Recon Wildlands
Are you saying that your pupil is a color close to blue and purple?

I did not change any color. I did the same thing I showed you. I showed you the basic method, you should do the details yourself. But of course, the different results will change with your abilities. In Photoshop you can use the "Levels" or "Curves" settings.
If you still do not like the color, you will do it manually or replace it with "Replace color ...".

I did not change any color. I did the same thing I showed you. I showed you the basic method, you should do the details yourself. But of course, the different results will change with your abilities. In Photoshop you can use the "Levels" or "Curves" settings.
If you still do not like the color, you will do it manually or replace it with "Replace color ...".
- Posts: 46
- Joined: Thu Nov 02, 2017 1:53 pm
Re: Ghost Recon Wildlands
I have one more question.
Some characters of Ubisoft's other games are present in this cast. Especially the characters in the Rainbow Six Siege game. But I do not know how to export them.
These models are available from the DataPC_patch_01.forge file. I changed the contents of the .ini format "forge.ini" file and added DataPC_patch_01.forge. But I guess there is nothing changing

Some characters of Ubisoft's other games are present in this cast. Especially the characters in the Rainbow Six Siege game. But I do not know how to export them.
These models are available from the DataPC_patch_01.forge file. I changed the contents of the .ini format "forge.ini" file and added DataPC_patch_01.forge. But I guess there is nothing changing

- Posts: 10
- Joined: Sat Aug 22, 2015 9:37 pm
Re: Ghost Recon Wildlands
Here's some tips when working with id-daemon's GRW tool.
Good Hunting!
- Everything is there, even the iconic uniforms. You need to find GR_Player_Template or GR_Avatar_Template in DataPC.forge or DataPC_extra_patch_01.forge and write the output to a file (it's 14k lines big for all entries). The iconic uniform entities are at the top of the file, so you don't have to look very far for them.
For example, PVP_R6S_Blackbeard_Template (R6S: Blackbeard) has EntityID 13FDAF1D777 and UNP_John_Kozack_Template (John Kozack) has EntityID 1886D910228. - The order of the skeleton does matter. The order is usually something like this for player cosmetics in GR_Player_Template:
Code: Select all
Player/NPC Skeleton
Leg Holster Skeleton
Backpack or Vest Skeleton
NVG/Glasses Skeleton
Head Skeleton - CTRL+F, Grep, EGrep, Sed, Gawk, and Find are your friends, use them!
Good Hunting!