infinitaguy wrote:I modified the bms script like suggested here:
moiennepe wrote:This's my way to deal with the pak from f*tgirl repack (some "optional" components not installed and filled with zeros in the main pak)
math FLAG &= 0xF
log MEMORY_FILE OFFSET 8 get isZo longlong MEMORY_FILE if isZo == 0 math FLAG = 0 endif
check the content and reset the flag. May be useful to some of you.
But I still get an error at the same position. Heres the entire script I used:
idstring "KPKA" get VERSION long get FILES long get DUMMY0 long
for i = 0 < FILES get NAME_CRC_L long get NAME_CRC_U long get OFFSET longlong get ZSIZE longlong get SIZE longlong get FLAG longlong get DUMMY2 long get DUMMY3 long namecrc NAME NAME_CRC_L "re2_pak_names_release.list" 32
math FLAG &= 0xF
log MEMORY_FILE OFFSET 8 get isZo longlong MEMORY_FILE if isZo == 0 math FLAG = 0 endif
if FLAG == 0 log NAME OFFSET SIZE else if FLAG == 1 comtype deflate clog NAME OFFSET ZSIZE SIZE else if FLAG == 2 comtype zstd clog NAME OFFSET ZSIZE SIZE else log NAME OFFSET SIZE endif next i
infinitaguy wrote:I modified the bms script like suggested here:
moiennepe wrote:This's my way to deal with the pak from f*tgirl repack (some "optional" components not installed and filled with zeros in the main pak)
check the content and reset the flag. May be useful to some of you.
But I still get an error at the same position. Heres the entire script I used:
idstring "KPKA" get VERSION long get FILES long get DUMMY0 long
for i = 0 < FILES get NAME_CRC_L long get NAME_CRC_U long get OFFSET longlong get ZSIZE longlong get SIZE longlong get FLAG longlong get DUMMY2 long get DUMMY3 long namecrc NAME NAME_CRC_L "re2_pak_names_release.list" 32
math FLAG &= 0xF
log MEMORY_FILE OFFSET 8 get isZo longlong MEMORY_FILE if isZo == 0 math FLAG = 0 endif
if FLAG == 0 log NAME OFFSET SIZE else if FLAG == 1 comtype deflate clog NAME OFFSET ZSIZE SIZE else if FLAG == 2 comtype zstd clog NAME OFFSET ZSIZE SIZE else log NAME OFFSET SIZE endif next i
MuslimCyberGames wrote:Can you make tool for Repacking or Compressing to PAK again. Be like a Resident Evil 7 PAK Tools?
I'm not planning on making that. I don't know enough of the format to make that and I'm not sure if it would be useful as the games only load from a limited amount of PAK files.
If you're looking to mod RE Engine games, you can use the above tool to "invalidate" file entries so the game loads modified files.
Create a new .pak file with the RE7 Tools. The new .pak file made with RE7 Tools works with the RE2 Remake .mgs files. And name it "re_chunk_000.pak.patch_004.pak". Increase the number +1 than the last patch. ....patch_00x +1
I'm trying to get Chris head model but for some reason it's having trouble decompressing the pl540 mesh file. Any help? quickbms always seems to end with thi
Error: the uncompressed data (-10) is bigger than the allocated buffer (22375456)
Last script line before the error or that produced the error: 30 clog NAME OFFSET ZSIZE SIZE
peterzhenhh wrote:Is there any way to use this re2hook on win10?
What is the problem? The game does not start? Or game crashed? The problem is that I have Win7 and can't test it on Win10, but my friend tested it on Win10 and it works fine.
peterzhenhh wrote:Is there any way to use this re2hook on win10?
What is the problem? The game does not start? Or game crashed? The problem is that I have Win7 and can't test it on Win10, but my friend tested it on Win10 and it works fine.
The game does not start I placed two .dll files and run re2.exe,but the game window doesn't show up. Only a RE2Hook-[01.32][29.12.19].log was created. 1KB in size. I use win10 1909.
Ekey wrote:On some versions of Win10 it works, but apparently on your version it's a does not work, unfortunately. I can’t help because I have a Win7 only.
PS: You can try to unlock the DLL's, maybe it will help.
when I open dll properties no unlock option appears