Hello!I made a semi-universal exporting script for rx2, rpsgl and psg files for NOESIS.
SUPPORTS:Xbox 360:Skate 1 Models - 100% + Multi model support
Skate 2 Models - 100% + Multi model support
Skate 3 Models - 100% + Multi model support
Skate 1 Textures - 100% + Multi texture support
Skate 2 Textures - 100% + Multi texture support
Skate 3 Textures - 100% + Multi texture support
NHL Legacy (Unknown amount of support)
Model Support Xbox 360:Supports all vert types and UV types. [short, ushort, halffloat and float]
Supports up to 3 UVs (maximum for EA Skate) (I can add further support for other games if you find any that has more than 3 UV layers)
Supports visualization of Bone matrices (not yet complete)
Supports visualization of Simulation / collision data (not yet complete)
Texture Support Xbox 360:Supports 100% of single texture for all EA Skate games (probably many more RW4 games)
Supports 100% of multi texture files for all EA Skate games (probably many more RW4 games)
Supports DXT1, DXT3, DXT5, FOURCC_DXT5, FOURCC_ATI2, FOURCC_DXT1NORMAL, "a8r8g8b8", "b5g6r5" and "A8" type textures.
Playstation 3:Skate 1 Textures - 100% + Finally Multi texture support!

Skate 2 Textures - 100% + Finally Multi texture support!

Skate 3 Textures - 100% + Finally Multi texture support!

Def Jam: Icon (Unknown amount of support)
NHL Legacy (Unknown amount of support)
Fifa 2009 (Unknown amount of support)
Texture Support Playstation 3:Supports 100% of single texture for all EA Skate games (probably many more RW4 games)
Supports DXT1, DXT3, DXT5, RGBA32, Ambient Occlusion ( _ao / 0x81 type ) and cubemaps ( 0x85 )
Model Support Playstation 3:-Being worked on!
Last Update: October 28th 2021
Full map loaded in Noesis (SKATE 3):
Texture of Big Black <3 (SKATE 3):
NHL Legacy Jersey:
Def Jam: Icon Diffuse:
Def Jam: Icon AO / Ambient Occlusion:
Credits: Beedy : for the Skate 3 level script that I worked off of to add complete model support.
Acewell : for help in the past with texture formats.
Joschka : for help with bones. (this will be worked on an implemented in the future)
DKDave: for help with AO / 0x81 imgFmt rpsgl textures
Edness: for help with AO / 0x02 imgFmt rx2 textures
Latest download: You can find it in the attachments.
EXPORT 3D Models as DAE if you are on 4.6.4 or have meshnames ot materialnames enabled on 4.6.5Noesis Download: https://www.richwhitehouse.com/index.php?content=inc_projects.php&showproject=91Have fun!
Updates:4.5.8:-Added multi-texture support for Playstation 3 PSG Textures.
-Added multi texture support for RPSGL format.
-Added debug printing of material names in the debug log. (Open debug menu by clicking on "Tools->Reload plugins")
-Made a bunch of logic changes to how textures are handled.
-Now supports some NHL titles like NHL Legacy and NHL 2010 type rx2 textures.
-Now supports Def Jam: Icon rx2 Textures.
-Added support for Ambient Occlusion textures for Playstation 3 PSG and RPSGL formats for the first time!

-Thanks to DKDave
-Probably much more I forgot about.
4.6.0:-Added further support for RPSGL textures (Fifa09 and other games with the same format).
-Fixed the rpsgl Ambient Occlusion maps, so now it should give you the proper texture for _ao occlusion maps.
-Added support for rx2 (Xbox 360) Occlusion Maps with format "D3DFMT_A8". (Thanks to Edness on Xentax)
-many small rx2 texture loading fixes.
-many small rpsgl texture loading fixes.
4.6.1:-Added a temporary fix to the script for an issue that broke many PS3 / psg / rpsgl textures.
To open early Fifa rpsgl textures open the python script and set the GAME_SPECIFIC option to "FIFA09".
4.6.2:-Fixed a critical issue with both Xbox and PS3 multi texture files. They should now work just fine!

-Added playstation 3 support for 0x85 Cubemaps
4.6.3:-Added Support for FOURCC_DXT5 textures for Xbox 360 rx2.
-Several small bugfixes related to issues with texture format recognition and texture size.
4.6.4:-Now gives proper Meshnames when possible

-Many small fixes. (report to me if something is broken)
4.6.5:-Now gives Materialnames when possible

-Now you need to set "USE_MESH_NAMES" to 1 to try to get Mesh Names.
-Now you need to set "USE_MATERIAL_NAMES" to 1 to try to get Material Names.
4.6.6:-Added support for a new DXT5 texture type found in Skate 2 DLC (\data\fe\source\images\map)