Can someone help me to extract .DAT0 files from this game?
Thanks in advance.
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open the idx file, it will automatically get the files from the dat*.
open the idx file, it will automatically get the files from the dat*.
- Posts: 157
- Joined: Sun Aug 24, 2014 8:54 am
thx aluigi,but,unpack data00130000.win32.dat0 get some error
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- Joined: Wed Jul 30, 2014 9:32 pm
For that problem don't worry because you are already at the end of the IDX file I guess.
While checking this problem I noticed a bigger issue, the files are stored as chunks and those bigger than 0xfa00 bytes were extracted partially.
I have fixed the script.
I suggest you to open directly the DAT files instead of the IDX one now.
The script works with both idx and dat, if you open the idx it will use the idx method, otherwise it will use the dat one.
After all the files are nameless so the IDX is not useful.
While checking this problem I noticed a bigger issue, the files are stored as chunks and those bigger than 0xfa00 bytes were extracted partially.
I have fixed the script.
I suggest you to open directly the DAT files instead of the IDX one now.
The script works with both idx and dat, if you open the idx it will use the idx method, otherwise it will use the dat one.
After all the files are nameless so the IDX is not useful.
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- Joined: Fri Sep 10, 2021 2:28 am
Hello! Resurrecting an old thread here.
We have a small translation team that is working on a localization of this game for the English player base. I don't have experience with unpacking files, but I've been writing hooks in Python to dump game files from memory instead and translating text on the fly. This is tedious and having direct access to the game files would certainly be preferential.
We came across this qBMS script that ALuigi had written long ago in this thread and surprisingly it still works after all these years for a (still) live game.
Although it works, we're struggling to have it work with a few dats as well as it not detecting every file in the archive (I'd expect to see some ogg's and other stuff that don't seem to be dumped properly). Also, as ALuigi had pointed out, there are no filenames. We also don't seem to be able to use the awesome `-r` or `-r -r` commands to reimport the files it was able to dump.
We're totally interested in getting this translated and would be eternally grateful if someone could take a peek and help us get this working (and being able to re-inject would be a HUGE plus!).
Of course it'd be much easier to see the files we're looking at, so here's a copy of the dats / idx files: ... GfmiSQBTJx
Here's an example of an error we're seeing when unpacking one of the dats. We've tried this with both the regular qBMS exe as well as the 4gb version:
We have a small translation team that is working on a localization of this game for the English player base. I don't have experience with unpacking files, but I've been writing hooks in Python to dump game files from memory instead and translating text on the fly. This is tedious and having direct access to the game files would certainly be preferential.
We came across this qBMS script that ALuigi had written long ago in this thread and surprisingly it still works after all these years for a (still) live game.
Although it works, we're struggling to have it work with a few dats as well as it not detecting every file in the archive (I'd expect to see some ogg's and other stuff that don't seem to be dumped properly). Also, as ALuigi had pointed out, there are no filenames. We also don't seem to be able to use the awesome `-r` or `-r -r` commands to reimport the files it was able to dump.
We're totally interested in getting this translated and would be eternally grateful if someone could take a peek and help us get this working (and being able to re-inject would be a HUGE plus!).
Of course it'd be much easier to see the files we're looking at, so here's a copy of the dats / idx files: ... GfmiSQBTJx

Here's an example of an error we're seeing when unpacking one of the dats. We've tried this with both the regular qBMS exe as well as the 4gb version:
Code: Select all
- error in src\extra\xalloc.c line 618: xdbg_malloc()
Error: memory allocation problem
Not enough memory resources are available to process this command.
- Posts: 8
- Joined: Sat Jan 08, 2022 10:09 pm
Hi! I came here to ask about the same thing, although for getting to the 3D models.
Based on the research in another old thread (for the Wii version), instead of ogg you might expect to find .scd containers (as well as .trb and .rps for models/animations). I asked King Zenith from this thread (a very friendly person!), but he didn't think he'd be of much help as the extraction was mainly done with assistance from others. ... d-be-nice/
I tried the script with quickbms a handful of times a few weeks ago. With one of the larger dat files, it generated over 620,000 individual 0kb files before I finally stopped it. A smaller dat did something similar. I also tried it on an idx (just to check) and it threw an error rather than export anything.
It's good you were able to get it to work! I will have to tinker a little further to see if I get the same results as before. Given the name of the script I thought maybe it was designed for another game "Dragon Nest" rather than Dragon Quest X. Here's hoping we can get more eyes on this fantastic game!
Based on the research in another old thread (for the Wii version), instead of ogg you might expect to find .scd containers (as well as .trb and .rps for models/animations). I asked King Zenith from this thread (a very friendly person!), but he didn't think he'd be of much help as the extraction was mainly done with assistance from others. ... d-be-nice/
I tried the script with quickbms a handful of times a few weeks ago. With one of the larger dat files, it generated over 620,000 individual 0kb files before I finally stopped it. A smaller dat did something similar. I also tried it on an idx (just to check) and it threw an error rather than export anything.
It's good you were able to get it to work! I will have to tinker a little further to see if I get the same results as before. Given the name of the script I thought maybe it was designed for another game "Dragon Nest" rather than Dragon Quest X. Here's hoping we can get more eyes on this fantastic game!
- Posts: 7
- Joined: Fri Sep 10, 2021 2:28 am
Hey there,
FFXIV and DQX share a lot of the same tooling and packaging (with some differences). Several of the FFXIV modding and RE tools can be used to grab some assets from the dats today (including most of the oggs). There's a version of FFXIV Explorer floating around that was slightly modified to pull assets for this game. I'm happy to share this with you via Discord @ mebo#1337.
FFXIV and DQX share a lot of the same tooling and packaging (with some differences). Several of the FFXIV modding and RE tools can be used to grab some assets from the dats today (including most of the oggs). There's a version of FFXIV Explorer floating around that was slightly modified to pull assets for this game. I'm happy to share this with you via Discord @ mebo#1337.
- Posts: 11
- Joined: Sat Feb 15, 2020 1:47 am
serany wrote:Hey there,
FFXIV and DQX share a lot of the same tooling and packaging (with some differences). Several of the FFXIV modding and RE tools can be used to grab some assets from the dats today (including most of the oggs). There's a version of FFXIV Explorer floating around that was slightly modified to pull assets for this game. I'm happy to share this with you via Discord @ mebo#1337.
Thanks a bunch Serany. It looks like your Discord ID is no longer active and (from what I hear from the DQX Community) you've more or less moved on to other things / are no longer reachable.
In case anyone else happens to run across this thread in the future: I managed to find the source for the 'dqx' fork of FFXIV Explorer and compiled it with IntelliJ. You can find it here: ... es/tag/1.8
I've managed to export a few textures with this, so it seems viable as a starting point.