Supports all characters with textures, skeletons and weights. Also most map objects will export.
As usual with exclusive games I made tools for, files are distributed among people. Ask your friends, some of them probably already have files, or will have them soon.
Tool usage:
0. Change detroit.ini with your paths. Choose only chapters you need to extract. Base BIGFILE will have all models, chapters will mostly have map objects, but also a few characters.
1. To make a list, run the tool without parameters
Example: Detroit > list.txt
It will create a list of potentially extractable game packages and their sizes (in bytes). MOST of them will have models, but there will be some with only videos, sounds or animations, these will be skipped with error message "not supported".
A list of all noticable models is included
2. To extract a package, run with 1 parameter (package code)
Example: Detroit D0F
It will make ASCII models, ASCII & SMD skeletons, just like it was before with my B2S/HR tool. ASCII format will have all UV pairs and extended info for correct bone rotations. Noesis plugin that reads them is included. For skeletal models you need to copypaste skeleton... etc
You can run the list created before as a batch file, it will export all packages you choose.
Half of textures will have no extension. Again, like in B2S, those must be converted to TGA with another tool (detroit_img.exe). Use a batch to convert all files in one run (included)
Beware, the tool can trigger antivirus false-positive, because they think its "suspicious". If you dont want to run it, just use the old image-convertion tool from B2S made in 2017. It will also convert most images from Detroit, and just a few new types will not be supported. That tool exists for 2 years now, and nobody had any problems with it.
Link to my Beyond 2 Souls / Heavy rain tool (PS3): ... -Exporter/

*edit by aluigi* ... t.rar/file