I wanna translate the game to spanish because there's no official translation nor unofficial. This idea came after playing the game and realise that it contains almost no text compared to other heavy-texted games like JRPG and so. Besides, this game uses words hard to understand to non-english people. I have enough experience translating from english to spanish (but no backwards LOL) and good Photoshop skills. Also I'm not good enough but I can do programming in C#
The main game is packed on a CPK file (CriPack) called "NinPri.cpk". This point was easy to do, because of the common format.
I unpacked the files there and found the following folders:
- _US
- bg
- chara
- DRM_chara
- msgsheet
- NPC_chara
- other
- script
- snd
And the main files have .FTX .MBS and .NMS. Other files are .OTB .ESB .ABF .WBF .NSB and last but not least .VSD
After searching for the text files I realized that the first folder "_US" contains those english texts in the subfolder "msgsheet". Tried modifying sysmsg.nms with HxD, repatched the main CPK with CriPackTools GUI... without success.
After looking a bit more with the HxD I found that the text is not encrypted, but the file itself contains a header/footer that I can't understand very well plus the game has some kind of checksum that avoid to load modded files.
NMS File header:
Code: Select all
4D 53 42 A0 70 00 00 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3F 02
NMS File footer:
Code: Select all
45 4F 43 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Inside this files I found that the game use the following codes to show different elements onscreen:
Code: Select all
%s - to show an string
null - to separate item's data from another one
eol - end of line
@#(66) - to show the sprite of the X button. (It may vary to show another button)
% - get a integer
%2d - get a two digit integer
I'll leave the uncompressed files on a MEGA link: https://mega.nz/#F!MvhlVQID!qCVohVVfFg_kLgpZeGS8_w
And I'll attach only the TEXT FILES here: https://mega.nz/#F!NrxXAIBK!OyyXaNvHErnn9OunlZ9wxA
Overall progress: [||...........................] 0.8%
Current Task: Translating the manual and the UI-easy-to-edit elements (that works without major problem)
Current task samples: https://mega.nz/#F!16w1FSjS!wZc1mIQrOQkHe1_GEPLuog
If you don't see any file in the folder it's because at the moment I'm writting this I'm also uploading the files.
Any help is apreciated and forgive my bad english, I'm not good enough from spanish to english LOL.