I'm currently testing the XeNTaX Multi EX Commander (a really great software who work great on lot of games).
I got an issue with the REZ file (LITH_PS2.REZ) of No one Lives Forever 1 (PS2 Version).
I can extract manually by hex editing files but not with this software. The software "freeze".
I need all voices files from the PS2 REZ file to replace them in the PC port. Theses files in the REZ are exactly the same as PC port.
The PS2 port is the only version who have french voices. The PC port has only english voices.
The files between the two version (PS2/PC) are identical in formats and have same names !
The REZ file of the PC port works fine on the software.
The PS2 REZ structure is similar (but with some differences).
So maybe this REZ is not supported yet by this software, can someone check if it's not supported ?
It would be cool if someone can support theses on the software !
LITH_PS2.REZ (No One Lives Forever) :
https://mega.nz/#!unQkVKDT!ygoH01WVA7r2 ... DLJdfOQqs4
For faster download : LITH_PS2.REZ (7zip compressed 1,40gb only !)
Thanks a lot for the software by the way