Thanks again to aLuigi for the script to extract the PS2 REZ File !
I found that the voices WAV files are stored in all .LIT extracted files from the LITH_PS2.REZ
Here is some LIT examples files (extracted from LITH_PS2.REZ) :
The PS2 NOLF REZ File (LITH_PS2.REZ) :!unQkVKDT!ygoH01WVA7r2 ... DLJdfOQqs4
For faster download : LITH_PS2.REZ (7zip compressed 1,40gb only !)
The Script made by aLuigi :
I can see that all WAV voices files are named exactly the same as the PC Port.
As the PS2 version contains french voices (and not the PC port) i will use theses files to inject them in the PC port.
And we can see the ID « LithTech PSX Sound Data 1.20 »

They seems to be compressed i guess ?
About the PC Port (just to compare) :

The PC REZ File (just to compare, nothing has to be done on it, we already have everything !)!uvIkiYqK!_cyAbfaH6O9F ... bh1MOckJX4
Can someone on the "Audio and Video file formats" section check if the WAV are in the .LIT files and what compression is used (if there is a compression) ?
Thanks a lot !