Several weeks ago, I found Chinese's fmodex.dll hooking patch for it. It loads 3DM.dll, 3dm.fnt and 3dmtex.sogp in the 3DM folder.
However, there are some problems. The game uses new fmodex.dll, so the old version of it doesn't work at all.
sample files
Here is comparing result of 'fmodex old (original).dll' and 'fmodex old (chs hooking).dll'

There are two differences between them.
1) 8B 1E 83 EE FC to E9 C6 01 00 00
2) 9C 60 E8 0c 00 00 00 61 9D 8B 1E 83 EE FC ... at 0x56725
I have difficult in understanding what 8B 1E 83 EE FC means.
After the end of null data, there are V.S_VERSION_INFO...

fmodex new (original).dll also has V.S_VERSION_INFO... at 0x12A0A6

The point is that I want to change fmodex new (original) to chs version. Is it possible?