I guess you have to provide some technical details about what exact files you are trying to edit and also about the problem because I don't see problems in your screenshot (maybe other users feel the same)
aluigi wrote:I guess you have to provide some technical details about what exact files you are trying to edit and also about the problem because I don't see problems in your screenshot (maybe other users feel the same)
I want change spacing or kerning of this game. But i don't know how to do it. Thank again
kerning is your problem if fonts are normal but some asian fonts has same width for all of characters like Courier font, you have to check font file first, if its normal, that means game has kerning resualt, if game can read text tags like html, then you have to do it with tags just if game can support tags, or if fonts are same width, then edit font
Shokoniraya wrote:kerning is your problem if fonts are normal but some asian fonts has same width for all of characters like Courier font, you have to check font file first, if its normal, that means game has kerning resualt, if game can read text tags like html, then you have to do it with tags just if game can support tags, or if fonts are same width, then edit font
This game not have font file (Edit) game make by coco2ds