As long as you don't send ServerInfo and MapList it's fine but without those the game doesnt load ofcourse

I started it because my end goal is to emulate the later games, BF Heroes and BF Play4Free, whose latest server files did not leak. So if they didn't leak, how do we get them? Let us emulate them

It has no systems for user authentication or rankings, the main goal is to get the game to load 1 player. Then load more players and keep them in sync and THEN I'd work on authentication and rankings.
You can find the code here: ... m-Emulator
To continue the issue discussion, after authentication succeeded we must send the ServerInfo block and MapList block. If I send any, everything fine, but it doesnt load. If I send both however the game disconnects with the following error message: "network data corruption". I have noticed it never calls DataBlock::executeClient on those blocks. As if it doesnt recognize the packets. This issue has been my headache for 2 weeks now. Couldn't figure it out, hope it will be figured out soon.