Hello Everyone. This is my first post and i need your help in the extraction of this file. Contain the audio and some images of Hugo XL but i can't decode . The purpose is translate the game because im a big fan of Hugo
Fangiolitico wrote:Hello Everyone. This is my first post and i need your help in the extraction of this file. Contain the audio and some images of Hugo XL but i can't decode . The purpose is translate the game because im a big fan of Hugo
I'm sorry to say without the whole game I don't think it would be possible. The data appears to be structured in some fashion to an extent however it's either encrypted or obfuscated.
The name of the game Hugo XL. Is a kind of PSX port for PC. If you search in google Hugo XL Archive Org can download the game. The only file compressed is the .DAT. You need the executable? I can upload this if you prefer.
Fangiolitico wrote:The name of the game Hugo XL. Is a kind of PSX port for PC. If you search in google Hugo XL Archive Org can download the game. The only file compressed is the .DAT. You need the executable? I can upload this if you prefer.
Thanks for the offer I managed to find the files. The file is interesting, it does obfuscate some values & use rolling XOR in 2 different implementations to encrypt the data. The part that is a pain is in the data table it only lists 81 initial file and the rest are from something else, probably the Demo.bin file from my guess though I'm still working through it. If i can't get it working in a day or so I'll post what I have so far and maybe someone else can figure it out.
Edit: So I'm fairly certain at this point it's not a matter of not understanding some of the file just that the rest of the file is garbage data that was originally intended to help hide the real data, and since it was distributed on a CD it made no difference. The real data is closer to 10MB rather than the 431MB file from what I can tell and it is only the additional 81 files inside it.
Thank you for your time and your research on this. You have left me surprised. He is quite curious and strange at the same time. It seemed strange to me the first time the weight of the file since in other Hugo games it does not usually exceed 100 MB. Possibly it is a port made in a wrong way because I do not see the meaning to hide the real data. Those 10 MB are probably images and audios and the rest of the junk files possibly from the PSX version.
So the possibilities of extracting the file are far away?
Fangiolitico wrote:Thank you for your time and your research on this. You have left me surprised. He is quite curious and strange at the same time. It seemed strange to me the first time the weight of the file since in other Hugo games it does not usually exceed 100 MB. Possibly it is a port made in a wrong way because I do not see the meaning to hide the real data. Those 10 MB are probably images and audios and the rest of the junk files possibly from the PSX version.
So the possibilities of extracting the file are far away?
No, I'm able to extract everything properly. I'm testing converting between formats & the ability to edit the text etc. at the moment.
Oh man!!!!. I test the tool and works perfectly. You are awesome. I can't believe this. Many Thanks x1000. Really. Thanks for all man.
Edit: I was looking at the audios and I have noticed that they are .SBNK files. Is there any possibility to add an .SBK extractor to the tool to include the voices in English? If possible, yes, if not, don't worry man. I am satisfied with the results.
Fangiolitico wrote:Oh man!!!!. I test the tool and works perfectly. You are awesome. I can't believe this. Many Thanks x1000. Really. Thanks for all man.
Edit: I was looking at the audios and I have noticed that they are .SBNK files. Is there any possibility to add an .SBK extractor to the tool to include the voices in English? If possible, yes, if not, don't worry man. I am satisfied with the results.
Um I think sbk is probably short for sound bank, looking at one they reference .vag files. Vag files are a proprietary Sony PlayStation audio format. Where it gets interesting is the information on the frequency etc. doesn't appear to be along with the sound data itself it's in the cfb files if I remember correctly as they're the control files for everything. So even extracting the vag files I think you would need to generate the header information for the vag files too as it's not included from what I saw. Long story short the audio wouldn't be easy, and even if you could get them out putting a different voice in would be even harder as it's not a common format to work with (i'm not aware of any tools to help you create one of the vag files) If you think you can create one I'm happy to spend some more time figuring out how to get the vag files extracted from the sbk files.
Edit: Actually there does appear to be a tool to convert between vag and wav files so it's probably not that bad if you want it and I was able to just add the header to one successfully and get it to play. I'll write something and add it into the tool. You'll need to use this to go back and forth between wav & vag: http://www.zophar.net/utilities/ps2util/mfaudio-1-1.html
Here you go, added support for extracting the the vag files, I only did basic testing with extracting & importing (made sure it more or less worked essentially) if you run into problems or have questions let me know.
Also as a side note if you extracted any CFB to XML previously you'll need to redo it, in order to support this I changed something from a List to a Dictionary to make it easier for updating the frequencies.
Ultra Wonderfully bro. It works perfect. Test everything and it goes very well changing the frequencies according to the audio that I have put. Thank you very much for your time in developing and sharing this. I've get out of words. Thank you very much really. You have helped me a lot. Eternally grateful to you man