A full dump of ABGO's assets is here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=10Lp3D ... JdUTljgDzo
Sorry for the double-post.
Code: Select all
//--- 010 Editor v8.0.1 Binary Template
// File: Exient XGS Engine .ATLAS
// Authors: Allen
char magic[5];//XGSTA
short unknown;
byte unknown2;
int unknown3;
int numTex;
int hash;//??
char atlasName[32];
int hash;//??
int unk;
float x_coord;//scale value. get real coord need * atlas.xgt image width
float y_coord;//scale value. get real coord need * atlas.xgt image height
float width;//scale value
float height;//scale value
int tex_width;
int tex_height;
int unk1;
int unk2;
int texNameDataLength;
string texName;
}splitTexNameList[numTex]<optimize=false> ;