we are making some progress when modifying Heavy Rain on PC, but last few days, we are struggling to properly repack segs files. If we change offset and size and location (ie our new archive), it works with edited non-compressed file and also with original segs file, but if we create our own segs file with identical structure it fails. We are adding some examples of segs files, template to go through segs file (they can be parsed up to 4 separate segs files - example.segs), our main focus is on 1698_orig.segs (original) and 1698_new.segs (our) files. We suspect that games accepts only specific dictionary for deflate to be able to work. Another thing, which we have discovered is, that offsets, sizes, zsizes and archive number are stored also in idx and dbg files.
swuforce wrote:And can you share some info? Especially im interesting about managing the texts.
We did not finnish the tools yet, our primal goal is to make localization tools, but it wont be public until out group finish the localization for this game.. However if you want to help with texts send me PM i will share some info i have so far and send you file for examination.