I have a question about 2 datas written "DUMMY" (BUT not null as written in the script) in your BMS Script, they are used by the game.
And i would like to know for what they are used ? I've fully builded a tool to make .BIG file from zero (without adding files to the end like QuickBMS).
But i don't know for what theses 2 "Dummy" are used.
Others Dummy are really dummy (so i've not changed the name down here to ask you about them).
Here your script with 2 Dummy i'm searching their usage.
Code: Select all
# ZeroZone
# script for QuickBMS http://quickbms.aluigi.org
idstring "BigFile 1.00\0\0\0\0"
get FILES long
get FILES_SIZE long
get FILES_OFF long
get DUMMY long
for i = 0 < FILES
get NAMESZ long
[b][u] get WHAT_DUMMY_1 long[/u][/b]
get SIZE long
get SIZE2 long
get SIZE3 long
get DUMMY long
get OFFSET long
[u][b] get WHAT_DUMMY_2 long[/b][/u]
getdstring NAME NAMESZ
next i