Can someone help me rip 3d model and animations from Sketchfab ?
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Can someone help me rip 3d model and animations from Sketchfab ?
I'v got latest blender add-on for ripping skethcfab models and animations and it wont to rip this model with animations, skeleton is not imported as it should. I'v tried with indieces on/of but same story. This is 2019 version
and hare is 2017 version without support for animations
skeleton looks just fine. I tried to combine skeleton from 2017 version with animations from 2019 version but it does not work
and hare is 2017 version without support for animations
skeleton looks just fine. I tried to combine skeleton from 2017 version with animations from 2019 version but it does not work
Last edited by Vido05 on Thu Dec 19, 2019 4:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Can someone help me rip 3d model and animations from Sketchfab ?
Can you upload the importer and I will check it out.
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Re: Can someone help me rip 3d model and animations from Sketchfab ?
DJ Normality wrote:Can you upload the importer and I will check it out.
Ok here is old 2017 version and here is new 2019 version and here is model and here are files Tnx
Edit: With 2017 add-on select "file.osgjs.gz.txt" and with 2019 select "bear-animations-7a4db463030f49638b7262d87a3c450c.htm" than
sketchfab viewer - No
import 1.1 MB - Yes
indice problem - No
export animations as .action - Yes
Send meshes to startpose - Yes
After that select skeleton and again Alt + P go in "bear-1-98e023773d6f44babf1eb351ad2693ad.htm_files" folder and select animation
The Bear has two skeletons, I tried temovig one but booth got deleted
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Re: Can someone help me rip 3d model and animations from Sketchfab ?
Ok sorry that took awhile but I seem to be having some issues figuring this out.

I am not able to save the file.osgjs.gz It does not download. All it does is open in a new window a string of code.

I took the code and pasted it in Visual Stuido. Saved it as a .osgjs file and another as html for testing.
As for the model_files.bin.gz that does download. So my 2 files are.

I run the 2017 script and it fails on the .osgjs but does try to open with the html on 2019.

Sketchfab Viewer - No
Import MB - Yes
Indices Error - No
But the script only produces a weird .ys file ?

Not to sure what I'm doing wrong but it seems to not be working for me.
I even tried several different models from the site I can not seem to get the importer working.

This is my Blender window after the import.
So I would like to know a couple things.
1. What browser are you doing this on?
2. How do you save your .osgjs file ?
I'm usually pretty good at coding and data of file structures but networking coding has never been my strong point. Could you please elaborate on these issues ?

I am not able to save the file.osgjs.gz It does not download. All it does is open in a new window a string of code.

I took the code and pasted it in Visual Stuido. Saved it as a .osgjs file and another as html for testing.
As for the model_files.bin.gz that does download. So my 2 files are.

I run the 2017 script and it fails on the .osgjs but does try to open with the html on 2019.

Sketchfab Viewer - No
Import MB - Yes
Indices Error - No
But the script only produces a weird .ys file ?

Not to sure what I'm doing wrong but it seems to not be working for me.
I even tried several different models from the site I can not seem to get the importer working.

This is my Blender window after the import.
So I would like to know a couple things.
1. What browser are you doing this on?
2. How do you save your .osgjs file ?
I'm usually pretty good at coding and data of file structures but networking coding has never been my strong point. Could you please elaborate on these issues ?
- Posts: 15
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Re: Can someone help me rip 3d model and animations from Sketchfab ?
DJ Normality wrote:So I would like to know a couple things.
1. What browser are you doing this on?
2. How do you save your .osgjs file ?
I'm usually pretty good at coding and data of file structures but networking coding has never been my strong point. Could you please elaborate on these issues ?
Ok so for downloading files for both versions of add-ons I use NorSoft tool I first delete chrome cache in "C:\users\slobodan\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cache" then I open my model in chrome https://*SPAM*/3d-models/bear-1- ... 51ad2693ad and wait until everything loads up, after open ChromeCacheView and hir refresh or F5 and press Ctrl + A and than F4 to save everything in to C:\users\slobodan\Desktop\bear-1
Now you can open 2017 version of add-on and select "file.osgjs.gz.txt" or 2019 version and select "bear-animations-7a4db463030f49638b7262d87a3c450c.htm"
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Re: Can someone help me rip 3d model and animations from Sketchfab ?
Ok I got it to work. What were you trying to get? The bear with animations ? Because your one file has bones and the other has the mesh so I'm kind of lost on what you need? BTW I'm so happy I got this to work. F#$@ Sketchfab. They took uploads down to 1 a month. So that made me kinda mad to see. Then once uploaded a model of my own it said I had to wait 29 days to post a new model. Granted I havent uploaded one in like 3 months. So I took all my content off. I dont see this site lasting too much longer. Some of the mesh they have for sale is 200 for a 2.8 million polygon scan of a church.. um.. ok.. Nobody wants that. So I see it coming to an end real quick. Get what you want while you still can. BTW once the team at Sketchfab sees this they will find away to block the program. Its just what they do. They scout for stuff like this on the internet to try and stop us. So hurry!
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Re: Can someone help me rip 3d model and animations from Sketchfab ?
Ok great. Yes I need this https://*SPAM*/3d-models/bear-1- ... 51ad2693ad bear with all animations if you can make add-on to work on it
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Re: Can someone help me rip 3d model and animations from Sketchfab ?
Here is how looks like when I open it in Blender
and it does not contain any animations, and I cant apply any animation to skeleton.
Edit: How did you make that skeleton if its not a secret ?
Last edited by Vido05 on Thu Dec 19, 2019 12:20 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Can someone help me rip 3d model and animations from Sketchfab ?
I got it from your files. I took the bear files you sent and opened the 1st one up at .osgjs saved the mesh data. Then opened up 2nd one .htm with the 2019. Exported animation. Saved both as .DAE. Then open up animation and mesh. Cut animation data paste it in mesh document. Now scale the bear down to the bone structure. You should be able to tell when its lined up correctly. Then all you have to do is bind the bones with the mesh. Done. As for your picture seems all you have to do is rotate your bones and then bind to mesh. I dont know much about Blender I use Cinema 4D. Not all bones do this. I have manged to get several things now with bones perfectly rigged. So i really dont know about that one. Seems to just be that model.
I tried it again and it worked this time.
Here you go.
*make sure your selecting the file. its 0kb. That is the file for loading.
I tried it again and it worked this time.
Here you go.
*make sure your selecting the file. its 0kb. That is the file for loading.
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Re: Can someone help me rip 3d model and animations from Sketchfab ?
DJ Normality wrote:I got it from your files. I took the bear files you sent and opened the 1st one up at .osgjs saved the mesh data. Then opened up 2nd one .htm with the 2019. Exported animation.
Im not clear how did you make skeleton and imported animations at first place, when I import animations with 2019 version its all mess
DJ Normality wrote: Saved both as .DAE. Then open up animation and mesh. Cut animation data paste it in mesh document. Now scale the bear down to the bone structure. You should be able to tell when its lined up correctly. Then all you have to do is bind the bones with the mesh. Done. As for your picture seems all you have to do is rotate your bones and then bind to mesh. I dont know much about Blender I use Cinema 4D. Not all bones do this. I have manged to get several things now with bones perfectly rigged. So i really dont know about that one. Seems to just be that model.
I tried it again and it worked this time.
Here you go.
*make sure your selecting the file. its 0kb. That is the file for loading.
Ok thats skeleton and it works just fine I can apply animations to this armature. I read your post for 5 times and its not clear to me how did you imported animtions to which skeleton, how did you make skeleton ?
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Re: Can someone help me rip 3d model and animations from Sketchfab ?
DJ Normality wrote:Delete cache folder.
Open up sketchfab model url.
Open program.
Ctl A for select all.
Then export.
Rename folder to what your model is.
Then when you import with Blender you will see the correct files.
Please, there is no way that contain any mesh data, so if you edited add-on can you please share it ?
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Re: Can someone help me rip 3d model and animations from Sketchfab ?
How did you make skeleton from 2017 version of addon has same hierarchy as version from 2019 ?
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Re: Can someone help me rip 3d model and animations from Sketchfab ?
No it's a pointer file. It tells the importer what to look for in the directory. Even though its 0KB. Its the whole operation. You must select that one. Scrap the 2017 its useless. Just follow the steps above and you will get what you need. I did nothing to the files or importer. My files are from those you have shared on this post. If your folder does not contain these files. You did something wrong.
Last edited by DJ Normality on Thu Dec 19, 2019 3:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Can someone help me rip 3d model and animations from Sketchfab ?
I dont see how your confused bro...
1. Delete your Google Cache folder.
2. Open Sketchfab url.
3. Open ChormeView
4. Click the icon to save folder contents.
5. Open blender script.
6. Execute script.
7. Look for
8. Sketchfab View - No
9. Load MB - Yes
10. Indices Fix - No
11. Wait....
12. Import animation - Yes.
12. Import mesh - Yes.
13. Wait...
14. Loaded file will appear
15. Export as .DAE. (If fails export as .OBJ)
1. Delete your Google Cache folder.
2. Open Sketchfab url.
3. Open ChormeView
4. Click the icon to save folder contents.
5. Open blender script.
6. Execute script.
7. Look for
8. Sketchfab View - No
9. Load MB - Yes
10. Indices Fix - No
11. Wait....
12. Import animation - Yes.
12. Import mesh - Yes.
13. Wait...
14. Loaded file will appear
15. Export as .DAE. (If fails export as .OBJ)
- Posts: 647
- Joined: Tue Jul 24, 2018 8:52 am
Re: Can someone help me rip 3d model and animations from Sketchfab ?
Last edited by DJ Normality on Mon Jan 06, 2020 3:30 am, edited 1 time in total.