Notable features :
-choose a g1m file to import it. Supports g1m files with a separate g1m skeleton (see instructions and options on github). You can also choose a paired g1t file, textures will be placed on the corresponding meshes automatically.
-choose a g1t file to extract all the textures it contains. I only support most common formats for now.
-supports both LE and BE. I added BE after I was done though and only had limited samples so there may be problems but it should work.
-supports cloth types 1 and 2, the cloth vertices will be computed according to the NUNO/NUNV sections. Driver meshes will be rendered as simple white surfaces and physics bones will be rigged to the main skeleton with the corresponding parent bones.

-supports the recent G2A animation format (used in DOA6, FETH and Dissidia NT) and the old G1A format used in older games (even though Atelier Ryza still uses it). For both of them, only skeletal animations are supported for now.

Important note for animations
As the cloth are supposed to be simulated by physics at runtime they won't move at all, which means you'll see cloth pieces staying at their T-Pose position. Same for some character parts such as tails for example. As you can see below only the driver meshes will follow the movement.

(model below has his cloth parts hidden, only showing the drivers)

Use these drivers and whatever method you want to skin the cloth correctly. Rigging to physics bones,actual cloth simulation,data transfer... Be creative.
This plugin should work on most KT games, considering the number of semantics that this format has and the number of games using it, I don't really expect it to be bug free so feel free to report any issue here or on the github repository. Please note that I won't provide any game files
Credits :
-My partner Yretenai who helped me by providing me samples, figuring out the formats with me, developping custom tools and writing binary templates.
-Semory/Howfie who did a phenomenal job figuring out most of the g1m/g1t formats, the gas machine source code was my main reference when working on the plugin.
-Chrrox and MrAdults for their help during the development and their Noesis scripts that I used as reference.
-Acewell for his Noesis scripts for various texture formats that I used as reference.
-VitaSmith for the gust-tools which helped us for g1t
-Ploaj for his work on cloth type 1, which helped me to better understand the computation needed for this cloth type
-Daemon's NT Tool, which output was used as reference for some models.
-Eternity, who we teamed up with to figure out the animation formats.
-PredatorCZ for his help on the animation binary template when we hit a dead end.
-Delguoqing for his research on g1a
-S-ilent, who provided me some BE samples and pushed me to add BE support.
-DeathChaos who provided me samples, tested the plugin and proposed some features.
-Demonslayerx8 for a lot of testing and samples sharing.
Here's the Link as promised
