Hello! Is there any way to help me? I can't edit these four Files: itemtext.bin.xfbin, message.bin.xfbin, message_btl.bin.xfbin and MissionInfo.bin.xfbin.
Is it possible to make text tools (import and export) for these four files? Thank You Very Much For Your Help! The files have already been decrypted.
I tried to translate them via HxD, but it didn't work out.
I was able to find the export tool for three files: itemtext.bin.xfbin, message.bin.xfbin and message_btl.bin.xfbin.
Also, there was an export tool for MissionInfo.bin.xfbin, but it only works with the Japanese version.
Help create an import tool for these four files, export tool I attached, Many Thanks for the export tool
to the user with the nickname sigroon365.