Hello there,
I'd like to translate a PsVita Riichi Mahjong Japanese game to English, assets are in .PAK extensions, IdString are PACK.
To be honest I don't know if I'll be able to do anything serious because I'm a real newbie, but I'd like to give it a try, the work to accomplish is very interesting and require multiples skills.
Ok, here what I've been able to find so far.
- Get pfs unencrypted games files (thanks vitashell, vita masterpiece software).
- Analyse "ranking.pak" files with hex editor, sorry for my newbie vocabulary and my noscript skills, I'm just writing what I've found :
IdString (PACK)
short unknown
short filenumber
long End of filename list - offset
long Beginning of filename list - offset
long End of header / Beginning of files - offset
long End of archive - offset
long End of archive - offset
long Null
Descriptor File 1 - size 32 : header TEXI - null - filesize - beggining file offset - unknown - null - filesize again - beggining file offset again
Descriptor File 2 - size 32 : header TEXI - null - filesize - beggining file offset - unknown - null - filesize again - beggining file offset again
Descriptor File 3 - size 32 : header TEX - null - filesize - beggining file offset - unknown - null - filesize again - beggining file offset again
Descriptor File 4 - size 32 : header TEX - null - filesize - beggining file offset - unknown - null - filesize again - beggining file offset again
Filenames offset position
File 1
File 2
File 3
File 4
End of file
Mahjong Fight Club (PsVita - files .PAK / IdString PACK)
- Posts: 3
- Joined: Fri Mar 13, 2020 7:31 pm
- Posts: 3
- Joined: Fri Mar 13, 2020 7:31 pm
Re: Mahjong Fight Club (PsVita - files .PAK / IdString PACK)
I made a script, I can browse all the game files in MultiEx, I can extract some (and those files are working as expected), but I have extraction errors with others files, it's not perfect.
Problems are :
- I have multiple files with the same name (because of same values in Filename_position_offset)
- Some files are 0 byte size (in "konami_logo.pak") and return error when extracting (sound logic), why creating 0 byte size file ?
- Some files returns error when extracting them (in "menu_mode_select.pak", uploaded in this post) : Corrupted file info! 1331392> 1148544 (?).
I've probably made some errors, but I'm not able to found them yet.
Any help would be welcome, thank you.
Code: Select all
IDString 0 "PACK" ;
Get Unknown Int 0 ;
Get Filenumber Int 0 ;
Get Filename_position_offset Long 0 ;
Get Filename_string_offset Long 0 ;
Get Files_begin_offset Long 0 ;
Get Endfile_offset Long 0 ;
Get Endfile_offset Long 0 ;
Get Null Long 0 ;
For T = 1 To Filenumber ;
Get Filetype Long 0;
Get Null Long 0 ;
SavePos FSO 0 ;
Get SIZE Long 0 ;
SavePos FOO 0 ;
Get OFFSET Long 0 ;
Get Unknown Long 0;
Get Unknown Long 0;
Get Unknown Long 0;
Get Unknown Long 0;
SavePos Tmp 0 ;
GoTo Filename_position_offset 0 ;
Get Filename_position Long 0;
Math Filename_position += Filename_string_offset ;
GoTo Filename_position 0 ;
GetDString NAME 100 0 ;
Math Filename_position_offset += 4 ;
GoTo Tmp 0 ;
Next T ;
Problems are :
- I have multiple files with the same name (because of same values in Filename_position_offset)
- Some files are 0 byte size (in "konami_logo.pak") and return error when extracting (sound logic), why creating 0 byte size file ?
- Some files returns error when extracting them (in "menu_mode_select.pak", uploaded in this post) : Corrupted file info! 1331392> 1148544 (?).
I've probably made some errors, but I'm not able to found them yet.
Any help would be welcome, thank you.
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Re: Mahjong Fight Club (PsVita - files .PAK / IdString PACK)
They are not really duplicate, I guess it's something related to additional data.
For example the original is SERI and the new one is GXT.
For such reason I created a new folder called "append" for containing this additional data.
They are not really duplicate, I guess it's something related to additional data.
For example the original is SERI and the new one is GXT.
For such reason I created a new folder called "append" for containing this additional data.
- Posts: 3
- Joined: Fri Mar 13, 2020 7:31 pm
Re: Mahjong Fight Club (PsVita - files .PAK / IdString PACK)
Thank you very much Aluigi