Hello there! I am new to the forums here but wanted some advice. One day, I opened a .PAK file found on a demo disk for the game called Brave The Search for Spirit Dancer. Obviously, it all came out with funny characters but I was surprised to find that I could see some text etc...
The problem I am having is extracting the .PAK file.
It comes with a .PAK and .TOC and the first 4 bytes of the .PAK are '...'.
The only part I can go off is that there is a 'GENERIC.PSH' but that could be relating to the game and not the PAK file.
I simply want to do this for fun and have no intention of re-uploading source code, this is simply for fun
Try to uplaod one of these PAK files. If it's big it's enough to upload the two files generated by this script launched on the PAK file: http://aluigi.org/bms/filecutter.bms
Hello there! Thanks for getting back to this post! I tried that file cutter and it did not appear to work properly.
I now have two PAK files which have created from the BMS script. When looking at both of them, I could see from the file called 'DEFAULT.PAK_266139648_268236800'. When opening this file with Notepad ++ I see an output log which started like this:
ng error loading package `%s' (%s) could not load package `%s' from path `%s' _REQUIREDNAME `_LOADED' is not a table _LOADED ?;?.lua LUA_PATH too many marks in a path component coroutine expected too many results to resume too many arguments to resume Lua function expected suspended dead running coroutine k __mode newproxy _VERSION _G boolean or proxy expected not enough memory memory allocation error: block too big bad argument #%d to `%s' (%s) calling `%s' on bad self (%s) method n %s expected, got %s %s:%d: Snl stack overflow (%s) value expected rb r @%s =stdin cannot read %s: %s %s _ALERT Lua panic: throw (%d) with no error handler stack overflow call C stack overflow error in error handling cannot resume non-suspended coroutine cannot resume dead coroutine cannot yield a C function attempt to yield across metamethod/C-call boundary ¬7E ¬<E <E ˜<E <E ˆ<E |<E <E t<E l<E `<E X<E P9E P<E H<E @<E 8<E 0<E (<E <E <E <E <E ü;E __call __concat __le __lt __unm __pow __div __mul __sub __add __eq __gc __newindex __index thread function table string number userdata boolean %.5g loop in gettable index loop in settable string size overflow `for' step must be a number `for' limit must be a number `for' initial value must be a number `__pow' (`^' operator) is not a function % "] [string " ... invalid key for `next' table overflow table index is NaN table index is nil value for `lua_getinfo' is not a function =(tail call) tail global Lua main C =[C] field local attempt to %s a %s value attempt to %s %s `%s' (a %s value) concatenate perform arithmetic on attempt to compare %s with %s attempt to compare two %s values %s:%d: %s <AE 4AE 0AE (AE AE AE è7E AE |<E AE AE t?E ¬7E AE AE AE ø@E ð@E ð7E è@E à@E Ø@E Ô@E ´>E Ð@E Ì@E È@E Ä@E ¼@E ´@E ¬@E <eof> *string *number ~= <= >= == .. *name while until then return repeat or not in if for end elseif else do break and too many %s (limit=%d) %s:%d: %s near `%s' %c invalid control char char(%d) lines in a chunk malformed number ambiguous syntax (decimal point x string concatenation) unfinished long comment unfinished long string escape sequence too large unfinished string <eof> expected too many syntax levels `%s' expected (to close `%s' at line %d) `%s' expected `while' condition too complex items in a constructor <name> expected self local variables constant table overflow <name> or `...' expected arg parameters function arguments expected ambiguous syntax (function call x new statement) unexpected symbol upvalues `=' or `in' expected (for step) (for limit) (for state) (for generator) syntax error no loop to break binary string bad code in %s unexpected end of file in %s bad integer in %s bad nupvalues in %s: read %d; expected %d bad constant type (%d) in %s unknown number format in %s A OP Instruction size_t int %s too old: read version %d.%d; expected at least %d.%d %s too new: read version %d.%d; expected at most %d.%d bad signature in %s virtual machine mismatch in %s: size of %s is %d but read %d $a $ a4A 488888$$4˜˜˜¤ € ! control structure too long function or expression too complex code size overflow i386\chkesp.c The value of ESP was not properly saved across a function call. This is usually a result of calling a function declared with one calling convention with a function pointer declared with a different calling convention. printf.c format != NULL Client Ignore CRT Normal Free Error: memory allocation: bad memory block type. Invalid allocation size: %u bytes. Client hook allocation failure. Client hook allocation failure at file %hs line %d. dbgheap.c _CrtCheckMemory() _pFirstBlock == pOldBlock _pLastBlock == pOldBlock fRealloc || (!fRealloc && pNewBlock == pOldBlock) _BLOCK_TYPE(pOldBlock->nBlockUse)==_BLOCK_TYPE(nBlockUse) pOldBlock->nLine == IGNORE_LINE && pOldBlock->lRequest == IGNORE_REQ _CrtIsValidHeapPointer(pUserData) Allocation too large or negative: %u bytes. Client hook re-allocation failure. Client hook re-allocation failure at file %hs line %d. _pFirstBlock == pHead _pLastBlock == pHead pHead->nBlockUse == nBlockUse pHead->nLine == IGNORE_LINE && pHead->lRequest == IGNORE_REQ DAMAGE: after %hs block (#%d) at 0x%08X. DAMAGE: before %hs block (#%d) at 0x%08X. _BLOCK_TYPE_IS_VALID(pHead->nBlockUse) Client hook free failure. memory check error at 0x%08X = 0x%02X, should be 0x%02X. %hs located at 0x%08X is %u bytes long. %hs allocated at file %hs(%d). DAMAGE: on top of Free block at 0x%08X. DAMAGED _heapchk fails with unknown return value! _heapchk fails with _HEAPBADPTR. _heapchk fails with _HEAPBADEND. _heapchk fails with _HEAPBADNODE. _heapchk fails with _HEAPBADBEGIN. Bad memory block found at 0x%08X. _CrtMemCheckPoint: NULL state pointer. _CrtMemDifference: NULL state pointer. Object dump complete. crt block at 0x%08X, subtype %x, %u bytes long. normal block at 0x%08X, %u bytes long. client block at 0x%08X, subtype %x, %u bytes long. {%ld} %hs(%d) : #File Error#(%d) : Dumping objects -> Data: <%s> %s %.2X Detected memory leaks! Total allocations: %ld bytes. Largest number used: %ld bytes. %ld bytes in %ld %hs Blocks. fclose.c str != NULL *mode != _T('\0') mode != NULL *file != _T('\0') fopen.c file != NULL ÿÿÿÿ(B CB stream != NULL fputs.c string != NULL _file.c sprintf.c ungetc.c _filbuf.c fprintf.c Assertion Failed Error Warning %s(%d) : %s Assertion failed! Assertion failed: _CrtDbgReport: String too long or IO Error Second Chance Assertion Failed: File %s, Line %d wsprintfA user32.dll Microsoft Visual C++ Debug Library Debug %s!
Program: %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s
(Press Retry to debug the application) Module: File: Line:
For information on how your program can cause an assertion failure, see the Visual C++ documentation on asserts. <program name unknown> dbgrpt.c szUserMessage != NULL ð?IsProcessorFeaturePresent KERNEL32 e+000 ÿÿÿÿ¶)B ¼)B ÿÿÿÿ¬*B ²*B _sftbuf.c flag == 0 || flag == 1 EEE50 P (8PX 700WP `h```` ppxxxx ( n u l l ) (null) output.c ch != _T('\0') __GLOBAL_HEAP_SELECTED __MSVCRT_HEAP_SELECT _freebuf.c ("inconsistent IOB fields", stream->_ptr - stream->_base >= 0) _flsbuf.c _open.c filename != NULL stream.c stdenvp.c stdargv.c a_env.c ioinit.c runtime error TLOSS error SING error DOMAIN error R6028 - unable to initialize heap R6027 - not enough space for lowio initialization R6026 - not enough space for stdio initialization R6025 - pure virtual function call R6024 - not enough space for _onexit/atexit table R6019 - unable to open console device R6018 - unexpected heap error R6017 - unexpected multithread lock error R6016 - not enough space for thread data
abnormal program termination R6009 - not enough space for environment R6008 - not enough space for arguments R6002 - floating point not loaded Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library Runtime Error!
Okay! So I just tried to re-pak the extracted pak but I get the following error.
(Steps I am doing - In case I am doing something wrong)
1. I opened reimport.bat 2. I then selected 'brave_ftoc.bms' 3. I select the folder where I extracted the PAK file. 4. I then put a * for the whole folder and subfolders. 5. Choose a location to save the file 6. I then get this message from CMD window:
---------------START------------------------------ - filter string: "*" * - filter 1: * - start the scanning of the input folder: E:\PAK\BRAVE\EXTRACT - open input file E:\PAK\BRAVE\EXTRACT\.\AUDIO\GENERIC\GENERIC.PSH - open script C:\Users\Nick\Desktop\brave_ftoc.bms - set output folder E:\PAK\RE-PAK
offset filesize filename -------------------------------------- - enter in folder E:\PAK\BRAVE\EXTRACT coverage file 0 0% 0 22828 . offset 00000000 - open input file E:\PAK\BRAVE\EXTRACT\AUDIO\GENERIC\GENERIC.toc
- error in src\file.c line 533: fdnum_open() Error: No such file or directory
Last script line before the error or that produced the error: 3 open FDDE "toc"