I'm new to alot of the concepts involved in Game design. I really have a bunch of basic questions that any beginner would ask. I've watched many tutorials but I learn better by understanding the underlying principles of an issue.
I've used Umodel and I grasp how it works for the most part I've messed around with Blender and Unreal but I can't make heads or tails of the myriad of options and menus. I've done basic things on Unreal like attempting to retarget bones and skeletal meshes very basic stuff.
I'm just looking for some folks who can answer my questions as they arise.
A good question to start, for those that know would be that I have ripped the textures and meshes for the character Serenia from the Wild Life game I add the meshes to unreal. There are no bones to manipulate or to retarget to new animations and if i try to rip the animations from Wild Life (maya's animation sets as I suspect they are reused) they don't show up in unreal or even in the umodel export folder. Why is this? could it be that the animations are some how joined with the skeletal mesh of Serenia?
Thanks for your time and willingness to answer my questions, I have lots