A long while ago, someone on here requested help with Onimusha 3 textures and received a brilliant script for extracting .TGA texture files from a .OIM archive. (https://zenhax.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7162&p=31272&hilit=oim#p31272)
I was just wondering if it would be possible to get a script for repacking the .oim archive once the textures have been altered, or be pointed in the right direction?
I have tried using the reimporting command, but this does not work due to 'MEMORY_FILE' being involved in the decompression code. I have also tried the reverse-engineering tools with no luck. Unbelievably, information on the proprietary .oim format is not to be found anywhere on the internet, only on the previous forum here.
I would be very grateful if anyone with the knowledge could help me out, Ive attached some files for reference, as well as the Oim2Tga.bms script provided before.
Thanks in advance.