I'm a Turkish English Teacher and a gamer. I want to translate Assassin's Creed Odyssey into Turkish. I'm not a coder but I'm an advanced user. I didn't know where the localization files were but I found them by researching in this forum.
1. I have extracted DataPC.forge and reached 2348-LocalizationPackage_English.data using Ubisoft_Forge_Tool_By_Delutto

looks like

2. I have exported 2348-LocalizationPackage_English.data and had 0-LocalizationPackage_English.Localization_Package using Ubisoft_DATA_Tool_By_Delutto

3. I extracted 0-LocalizationPackage_English.Localization_Package by draggin it onto aclocalizationpackagetool and had 0-LocalizationPackage_English.Localization_Package.txt and 0-LocalizationPackage_English.Localization_Package.txt.header files

4. I have translated only the main menu(I searched the Press any Key, Continue, etc. and changed them as "Bir tuşa basın", "Devam Et" etc.) in 0-LocalizationPackage_English.Localization_Package.txt just to see if it works.
5. And to import my 0-LocalizationPackage_English.Localization_Package.txt I dragged it onto aclocalizationpackagetool and the tool imported the modified txt and the header file. I had a new file in the same directory named 0-LocalizationPackage_English.Localization_Package.txt.out

6. I deleted .txt.out extension from 0-LocalizationPackage_English.Localization_Package.txt.out just changing its name and had a 0-LocalizationPackage_English.Localization_Package

7. I imported 0-LocalizationPackage_English.Localization_Package into 0-LocalizationPackage_English.Localization_Package.data where I extracted all the .data files from DataPC.forge then It gave me a 0-LocalizationPackage_English.Localization_Package.data.NEW file in the same directory. Again I deleted .NEW from that file changing it's name.

8. As the last step I imported all the files I had extracted from DataPC.forge before, including my modified 0-LocalizationPackage_English.Localization_Package.data using Ubisoft_Forge_Tool_By_Delutto

I did these yesterday. And I tried the game but it was English.

Then I realized there is a DataPC.forge.NEW file in the game directory.

Then i backed up my original DataPC.forge file and replaced the .NEW file then I tried again. But the game was again English.

These are my steps I tried to write them as detailed as I can, can you tell me what is my mistake and can you help me fix it. Thank you.
Edit: Sorry for the big sized screenshots.