The game is for the playstation 2, would currently prefer not to share the name, but am willing to privately message about it if need too.
Link to one of the maps: ... sp=sharing
From what I can tell a section of vertices(?) start at offset 0x187873:
The overall header specifies there will be 3 "sets" of vertices, and 24 vertices in total. (I'm not currently sure what some of the inbetween data is...)
Then about 16 bytes later, it says there is 12 vertices in this set.
I highlighted the first set's sections that I believe is the vertices.
After the first set, the next set states there will be 6 vertices in set 2 and then 6 vertices for set 3 a little below.

Then immediately after this vertice set, appears to be face values.
Similar setup to the vertices, but in this case there is 4 sets? and 30 total facets.
First set has 12.
Whats weird is it seems to be using the vertex information for each face, which leads me to believe these may actually be the vertices.
There is some values here not present in the prior "vertice" sections. But if these are purely 2 byte vertice values, I see no values within the file to represent the facets.
Using the method I have now, the face's become super janky. and it's looks like a giant spike of death.

When I currently implement Vertices only, it looks correct?
Supposed to be a mountain side with a underground network of tunnels.

So with that, I feel like I am abit off somewhere with this data and hoping someone may be able to point me in the right direction from some of this sample data?
Mainly I am looking for solving the facet data at this point, as it looks like the vertices are correct.
Any help would be super appreciated.