This "program" is just a collection of tools, scripts and material of other people, shamefully and unprofessionally edited and renamed.
*end of edit*
Ultimate Asset Extractor is a program that can extract game assets from more than 150 games. Currently, it's only 153 games but I will always add more games. I was designing it as a CryEngine Pak Extractor. But then, I decided to add more games so I ended up at 150+ games. But it still contains %90 of CryEngine games right now. Also, for some games, you can convert or open the models that you extracted. It's a python-based program, but its not open source. If you encounter any bugs or if you want to make a game suggestion/improvement, just report here or to our page(you can access from the report button) or just email to Here's the help section:
1 - Choose the game that you want to extract from Combobox.
2 - Choose the game exe.If its a PS4, PS3, XBOX360, or XBOX ONE game, you may not choose.
3 - Choose the archives/models you want to extract. I recommend you not choose the entire archives of the game. You can select and copy the archives only that you want to extract to a separate folder.
4 - Choose the output location.
5 - After you choose everything, if it's available, you will have to choose some options from right under Combobox.
(Example: You need to choose how to retrieve the RSA key to the program from radio buttons in CryEngine Games. Or in the games that compressed with Oodle, you have to browse and select the oodle dll from the game directory.)
6 - Finally hit the Extract button and the program will extract all of the possible components from archives to output directory in a folder or in a zip(Most likely in CryEngine games).
7 - You can import directly some models and textures to blender or 3dsMax by first setting directories from menubar, then press the button you want.
(Important Note: CryEngine .dae files are not supported totally in the blender. They do not work at all on 2.90, and for other versions; a few of the models may be problematic. I am working on that right now.

List of all games that tool can extract:
Free Version Download:
NOTE: Free Version only supports 10 games because its basicly a demo. In order to get full access, buy the program license from our site.
Buying Link:https://*SPAM*/product-page/ultimate-asset-extractor-1
NOTE:After buying, you can reach your access key from activations page from your profile page.After you get the key, enter it to launcher with other necessary info to launch the program.