SLUS-21317 has a large `x_data.bin` on the disc. Has anyone looked at extracting from this file format? The initial few bytes were an AFS header, but didn't work.
I'm mostly interested in extracting the bundled CPS-2 romfiles that can be found (look for /CPS2 string)
Ah, could you please provide the whole x_data.bin? I see some compressed files and want to check them since the original afs format doesn't use compression.
aluigi sure many thanks for your help, as mentioned I did try and it didn't work out of the box, I've sent you the full file via wetransfer, you can download it from here
Ok I fixed the script (the archive referenced a names table after the archive that wasn't available) but no idea for the compression of the files, mainly because there is no decompressed size.