Lets say I have multiple samples as example below where starting offset is 20, from where I want the hash to begin and end in 16bytes long to be saved each hash string in one line.

Code: Select all
next file hash
next file hash
Code: Select all
goto 0x20
set HASH string ""
for x = 0 < 16
get TMP byte
string TMP p "%02X" TMP
string HASH + TMP
next x
print "%HASH%"
Code: Select all
goto 0x110
set HASH string ""
for x = 0 < 16
get TMP byte
string TMP p "%02X" TMP
string HASH + TMP
next x
print "%HASH%"
goto 0x1C0
set HASH string ""
for x = 0 < 16
get TMP byte
string TMP p "%02X" TMP
string HASH + TMP
next x
print "%HASH%"
goto 0x270
set HASH string ""
for x = 0 < 16
get TMP byte
string TMP p "%02X" TMP
string HASH + TMP
next x
print "%HASH%"
Code: Select all
callfunction DUMP 1 0x110
callfunction DUMP 1 0x1C0
callfunction DUMP 1 0x270
startfunction DUMP
goto DUMP_ARG1
set HASH string ""
for x = 0 < 16
get TMP byte
string TMP p "%02X" TMP
string HASH + TMP
next x
print "%HASH%"