South Park Mega Millionaire "g*" (GFX/Graphics) file
- Posts: 865
- Joined: Fri Apr 20, 2018 12:41 am
South Park Mega Millionaire "g*" (GFX/Graphics) file
The game loads sprites and textures from these "g" files with "*" being 0-3. They appear to have textures in a raw format of some sort. Max texture size is most likely 1024x1024 according to code. I attempted to get a look at g4 but didn't really get proper data... Can someone crack it? I'm not planning to mod this game any time soon due to the majority of hard to manipulate formats. If you need to look at executable code, check download/file.php?id=9619.

Last bumped by LolHacksRule on Fri Dec 11, 2020 9:23 pm.