1. extract game packages from PE.IMG
Just run Parasite_img.exe in the folder with PE.IMG, also exedata.bin provided must be there. This table from game executable tell the tool about package offsets.
2. drop any package onto Parasite_assets.exe (or run on all them in batch)
This will extract all assets from the package. Each package may have 12 types of assets. All of them will be extracted to corresponding folders without names, just sequential numbers. Models are type 2. I dont have time to research about asset codes and other types.
3. drop model file onto Parasite_model.exe
This will produce 2 files: model in SMD format and a 2-frame animation SMD which will set lenghts for all bones. Apply animation SMD to the model and move to frame 2 to make it work. After that you only need to rotate bones to more natural position to make model look better.
Video showing how it can be done on the example of Silent hill - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Gq0rtpjEY0