Based on viewtopic.php?f=9&t=213&hilit=luap I tried to export the file from the LuaScripts.luap file but the package released for xbox360 is different.
If I use the script for pc works but on luap cannot find anything also if I think that the file package is similar as I can see that some things are very similar.
Experimenting showed that the FILES variable with the luap file from xbox360 it is a long number negative -1358954496 instead on the pc for the same file is 321 (the size is different).
At that link there is a zip package with the pc version and the xbox360 to do a comparison and in the meantime I will keep investigating, but I am not sure about what are the difference, if files is negative the loop doesn't work, if I force the loop with a fixed number there is another error Can't read 12 bytes from offset 5f0e0000.
I tested with no results, wondering if the file is signed so cannot scan like the pc version.
Saboteur Luap for xbox360
- Posts: 5
- Joined: Thu Dec 24, 2020 8:40 pm
Re: Saboteur Luap for xbox360
So on my investigation also about how quickbms works, get FILES long takes the first 4 bytes that is in this way does the loop but on the xbox version those 4 bytes are , so probably the file number is in another byte.
Code: Select all
4101 = 321
Code: Select all
- Posts: 5
- Joined: Thu Dec 24, 2020 8:40 pm
Re: Saboteur Luap for xbox360
Other investigation showed that the end of the files it's the same so I am testing in a different way, with ignoring the first bytes of the file:
Searching for .lua in the pc version there are 332 reference and in the xbox360 instead 186, as we know that the pc version is 321 probably the xbox version is around 186 and as this snippet the files are 175. I think that I am near also because seems that the first file is the same by name in both so size should be similar is just to define the dummy bytes to me.
I just need a bit of help on understanding how to swap the bytes, as I can see the values are mirrored compared to the pc version.
Code: Select all
get TEMP threebyte
get FILES byte
print "%FILES%"
for i = 0 < FILES
getdstring HASH 8
get DUMMY threebyte
get OFFSET long # is 3679 should be around 6740
math OFFSET s 2
get SIZE threebyte # 00 00 D8 04 instead of 00 00 04 D8
math SIZE s 2
get DUMMY2 byte
get XSIZE threebyte
math XSIZE s 2
print "%OFFSET% %OFFSET|h%"
print "%SIZE% %SIZE|h%"
print "%XSIZE% %XSIZE|h%"
savepos TMP
getdstring DUMMY 12
get NAMESZ long
getdstring NAME NAMESZ
string NAME | ":"
goto TMP
next i
Searching for .lua in the pc version there are 332 reference and in the xbox360 instead 186, as we know that the pc version is 321 probably the xbox version is around 186 and as this snippet the files are 175. I think that I am near also because seems that the first file is the same by name in both so size should be similar is just to define the dummy bytes to me.
I just need a bit of help on understanding how to swap the bytes, as I can see the values are mirrored compared to the pc version.
- Posts: 5
- Joined: Thu Dec 24, 2020 8:40 pm
Re: Saboteur Luap for xbox360
I am almost, break with the last file but I am right to the end.
Code: Select all
get FILES long
reverselong FILES
print "%FILES%"
for i = 0 < FILES
getdstring HASH 8
get OFFSET long
reverselong OFFSET
get SIZE long
reverselong SIZE
get XSIZE long
reverselong XSIZE
get DUMMY byte
print "%OFFSET% %OFFSET|h%"
savepos TMP
get NAMESZ short
getdstring DUMMY 12
print "%NAMESZ% %NAMESZ|h%"
getdstring NAME NAMESZ
print "%NAME% %NAME|h%"
string NAME | ":"
goto TMP
next i
- Posts: 5
- Joined: Thu Dec 24, 2020 8:40 pm
Re: Saboteur Luap for xbox360
To avoid any troubles I put a fixed value to look for the filename to avoid issues.
This extractor works
Code: Select all
get FILES long
reverselong FILES
for i = 0 < FILES
getdstring HASH 8
get OFFSET long
reverselong OFFSET
get SIZE long
reverselong SIZE
get XSIZE long
reverselong XSIZE
get DUMMY byte
savepos TMP
set NAMESZ 120 # fixed value because the data is not consistent
getdstring DUMMY 17
getdstring NAME NAMESZ
string NAME | ":"
goto TMP
next i
This extractor works

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- Joined: Wed Jul 30, 2014 9:32 pm
Re: Saboteur Luap for xbox360
If the problem is just the endianess you can use the following command in the original script:
Or even better, after "get FILES long" using "endian guess FILES" which will do it automatically
Code: Select all
endian big
Or even better, after "get FILES long" using "endian guess FILES" which will do it automatically