Hello. It's my first time i post here. Some years ago (about ten) I used to have fun and make some mods on some PS2 games, like DBZ or PES. Too much time has passed and my memories are foggy.
Searching on internet , randomly discovered about a guy who made a file editor to translate the game dialogues from an old good game from PS2 which is Detective Conan: Legacy of the British Empire

Sadly this project was abandoned, but this gave the inspiration.
All I need is a quickbms script in order to extract .DAT files from this game and start making the translation process from japanese to english. I can't find some script to unpack the .DAT archives, neither I am capable of making one (but I'd like to learn also).

Could someone help me and give me some infos, hints, or help on how to proceed in the process of the extraction of data files in order to complete the translation?
Don't be so hard to me, it's my first time in ten years and I have to start from zero because all my memories about is lost. I'm willing to learn.
Thank You.