I have JDLZ in the script http://aluigi.org/bms/nfsu_bun.bms Indeed your file is a BUN, have you tried that script? The endianess in that screenshot is little as in the script so I suppose it all works well.
Yup i tried it many times, still wont work, at all. That is why i posted the sample and made the post. It has both JDLZ and HUFF compressed files inside.
That format 0x55441122 is already supported in the script but the problem of your file is that it's just a container without any information about the archived files. Additionally, since the 0x55441122 format is a chunked file, you just have a mess of chunks of 32768 bytes mixed with padding and chunks of other files. check if you have a small index file containing the information.