DJ Normality wrote:I was going through the textures and found this ? could it be any help or is this just some kind of storage data for the PS1
Wasn't this game developed for PS2?
I don't know what that part of the file is, maybe it's how they do it to find the files in the .bin file
I have the BTLODT.BIN file for the ps2 version and I realized that if you change "D0 01" to "0" you will have "00 00"
if it is "D1 01", change it to "01 00" and so on.
So you can have some positions.
If you go to position 0x4 and take 4 bytes "60 05 D0 01" and change it to "60 05 00 00", you will have the position of the first texture, then afterwards you will have where the palette starts. And it looks like the file is divided into several parts, where you can see one of the other positions here:
