Here's current solution. May not be perfect, but it allows to export all models.
1. Extract .CDF files with md_hyena's extractor. Most models are in stage0, and only very few (scenery stuff) in other stages.
2. Extracted files are missing information which is essential to auto-unpack models, so i made a workaround for this:
- drop .CDF onto Parasite2_cdf.exe
- run created .bat file in the folder with *.pe2pkg files - this will rename them
3. Drop renamed .PKG files onto Parasite2_pkg.exe or batch process them. This will extract all models as .MDL files.
4. You can convert .MDL files with my new tool (Parasite2_model.exe) or md_hyena's blender plugin. If you use md_hyena's plugin, some of them will be incomplete or have missing UVs. My tool will extract them all, and with all UVs.
5. Textures could be converted manually by combining images with palettes. There was some tool that could do that. In this game its easy, because images are 256-colored and each is using (hopefully) only one palette. You can find each model's textures inside the same set of packages. If you check "debug" file created by md_hyena's extractor you can notice all files are organized in sets, which is marked by "FF" byte of last package in each set. In other words, textures for a model package 1005 will be in image 1004 and clut 1003. Some extracted image packs are missing 1 or 2 bytes in the middle, which is probably a bug in extractor, but i'm not sure. Can be manually fixed with hex editor.
note: models have UVs in space of 256x256. Each texture is usually 128x256, so you have to fill it to the right up to 256x256. I don't recommend modifying UVs, because they are very precisely fit to pixels on a texture.