Story Mode: + 40%
Card Names: 100%
Card Descriptions: 0% <----
Dueling Messages: 18%
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Menus: 100%
Tutorials: 33.3%
Others: ???%
I have decided to create this thread because I need a lot of help from someone in this community,
yes, I'm talking about The famous "Huffman Coding", the latter is used within the File called "cardinfo_jpn.ehp", more precisely in the Files that contain all the descriptions of the existing Cards of the game,
I speak of:
- CARD_Desc_R.bin
- CARD_Huff_R.bin
- DICT_R.bin
I have reason enough to think that these 3 files are related to each other.
Now the question is: How to translate on these files?

Dear community, I would like to turn to your help, all the information, tools and other things that help me to make the translation of this game 100%.
Only that I lack, the Descriptions of the Cards.
Any help is welcome.
I will be attentive to the thread. Greetings to all. I hope they help this Duelist.