I'm new to this forum, so I hope this is the right place to start a topic.
Today I've got this idea of re-creating the screen we see once we unlock a character within the game through the wishing system. I want to try this out in Photoshop, but I require some assets from Genshin Impact, mainly some sprites and backgrounds. I already found the font used!
I found some asset packs and directories in other topics within this forum, but all I get are strange block-files or other things I can't open or make anything out of.
In the attachment there's two screenshots from the game that I need the backgrounds.
I need the dark blue-ish background for these screens (not the character itself)
I need the orange explosion like background shown before a character is revealed (not the character itself)
Any other files such as icons of stars, elements or sprites are big bonuses.

I hope anybody can help me or point me in the right direction!
Kind regards,